Chapter 30

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Taeyong had woken up to a peaceful day, Yena by his side. Now, as he stood with the girl outside the door to her father's study, it was anything but that.

The other's had already taken care of everyone else, leaving him and Yena with the hardest target. As the next head of the Kim Family, Doyoung had all the servants and worker under his command, and had put it to his advantage.

"Are you sure you're can go in alone?" Taeyong whispered to the girl wearing her hood over her head beside him.

"You'll be entering soon anyways." Yena told him. "Just remember what I told you."

"Alright." Taeyong said, giving the girl a kiss. "Good luck, my love."

His words made Yena smile for a split second before it faded, the girl ready to complete her mission.

"I won't need it."


"I don't know whether I should be impressed or disappointed."

As expected, Yena's father was sitting on his cushions, eyes on her as she entered the room.

He knows.

"I think you should be both." Yena replied as she walked towards the man, hands in her pockets. "Maybe more impressed?"

"I would have been impressed if you decided to marry the man I sent you to." Her father said as he stood up, his eyes darkening. "But you didn't, falling for some commoner instead."

"Taeyong isn't just a commoner." Yena said, gritting her teeth. "He's much more than that."

Yena lurched towards her father but he easily dodged it, knowing exactly what move she was going to make.

"You're being stubborn, Yena. I trained you, taught you everything you know." Her father said, a smirk on his face as he avoiding another one of Yena's attacks. "I know what move you're going to make before you even make it."

"You talk too much, kind of like Jaehyun." Yena said before grinning. "Or did you get that from his dead father?"

That seemed to have hit a sore spot as her father tried to attack her but she dodged it just as easily. "Kind of hard when you taught your daughter everything you know, isn't it?"

"I did not teach you to be this weak human!" Her father boomed, clearly angry. "You should be accepting the life I gave you, being part of the strongest family to walk this earth instead of fighting us!"

"There was nothing in the life you gave me!" Yena argued. "I was bored out of mind, killing people for a living! You gave me nothing!"

"Ungrateful." Yena's father said, narrowing his eyes. "I sculpted you to to be perfect and this is what happens."

"No." Yena said, sensing Taeyong entering the study. "You didn't make me perfect. You made me heartless."

Yena's father might have been able predict Yena's moves but he couldn't predict Taeyong's as he laid attack after attack with Yena's help.

Yena watched as her boyfriend took down her father, his icy blue eyes fuelled by his anger taking over his body.

Eventually, when her father could no longer stand, Taeyong held him back, letting Yena take the final blow.

Like he had promised.

"You want to be heartless?" Yena asked as she stared into her father eyes, knowing that hers were as dark as the night.

Yena let her nails dig into her father's flesh as he screamed in pain, a gory assassination tactic her father had taught her.

The one that she hated the most because of how inhumane it was.

Heartless | TAEYONGWhere stories live. Discover now