Chapter 2

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"You took Doyoung's assassination order again."

Yena nodded her head.

Yena was now in her father's study, at least that's what the family called it. The room was located at the heart of the family mansion, the centre of it all.

Yena's father was the second oldest brother of the three Kim Brothers, right behind Doyoung's father, but definitely the most firm and the strictest. Her cousins feared him the most, and Yena didn't blame them one bit.

To Yena, that was just a bonus. That made her stronger than her cousins, and with that came with being a better assassin. Her cousins were much weaker mentally in comparison to her, and the whole family knew it.

Her father's study was an empty room, cushions at the back of it where she would sit with her father for meditation. Storage cabinets lined the room, filled with dummies, weapons, and torture devices, all that Yena had used to train with.

This room used to haunt Yena in her sleep, the place where she had learned to be a heartless killer. All grown up now, she would say that there was nothing to feel as she sat in the room with her father, the memories of her past locked away in the back of her mind.

"I did." Yena told her father. "He didn't want to do it, so I did it for him."

"I was afraid you were going to say that." Yena's father said with a deep sigh.

"Why? What's the problem anyways? We all know that he can't handle all the orders anyways." Yena said, staring at her fingernails.

She could sense her father narrowing his eyes and looked up to meet them. "The problem is that Doyoung's going to be leading this place one day."

Yena froze at her father's words. "What?"

"You might be stronger but Doyoung is older. He'll carry the family name and he'll be the next running the family." Yena's father told her.

"That's dumb, he can't even hurt a kid." Yena pointed out.

"Well he's going to learn around that eventually." Her father told her. "You're not kids anymore, Yena. You're all adults now and you need to learn your places in the world."

Through her father's words, Yena could sense that something was wrong. Something was very wrong.

"That's not why you called me in here, is it?" Yena asked.

Her father smirked at the question. "It's part of it."

Yena crossed her arms over her chest, taunting her father. "Well get on with it then, we both have better things to do."

Her father chuckled in satisfaction. "That's my daughter."

His smile was immediately wiped off his face after though. "I met with my brothers to discuss Doyoung's little problem and it came down to you, Yena. With you around, he'll never be able to do what he needs to."

Great. "So where are you sending me?"

"Neo City." Her father told her. "My friend's son leads a gang there. We think you'll fit right in with the rest of them."

Neo City and gang?

"What gang is this?" Yena asked, making her father grin again.

"The Ghouls."


"How long are you going to be gone for this time?"

Taeyong turned around to see Ten leaning on the door frame, arms crossed.

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