Chapter Five (Aftermath)

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Scott POV-

October 12, 2012

That was the day Scott got the phone call. His life had been going great so far, they defeated Gerard and their pack finally started to feel like a family, he was doing great in school and life seemed to be perfect.

That all changed when he got a phone call roughly around 4 pm, from Derek. Scott didn't know what to think when he answered the phone. Is something wrong? Did he do something wrong?

But when Scott answered the phone, he wasn't prepared for what was about to happen.


"Scott, is that you?"

His palms started to sweat as his heart picked up speed. Derek's voice was hoarse and shaky, Scott assumed from crying. He'd never heard Derek cry before it scared Scott- it terrified him to the point where his whole body shook.

"Y-yeah it's me."

There was a few seconds of silence from the other end of the phone. Scott could barely make out anything but Derek's short, haggard breaths.

"Scott it's-it's um...oh god-"

Derek cut himself off and gasped out a small-shaky breath. Scott was starting to panic, fear overtaking his entire being.

"Derek?... Derek what is it!?"

Scott practically yelled into the phone. He needed to know what was wrong and he needed to know now before he had a full out panic attack, or drove over to the loft in a fearful frenzy.

Derek sobbed out, "''s S-Stiles," Derek could barely finish his sentence before he broke down, crying loudly through the phone.

"Damnit, just come to the hospital!" And with that, he hung up.

Scott dropped his phone loudly on the wooden floor and sprinted out of the house, barely stopping to close the door as he ran towards his car.

This can't be happening...


Genim Alexander Stilinski


~A kind-hearted, extraordinary boy and loving son~


The gravestone was bleak and bare. Small and grey against the dark soil. Scott wanted to scoff at it and just run away. It did Stiles no justice, no justice at all.

The funeral was on a bright, cold October day, the whole town was practically flowing with life and joy but his heart was heavy. Everyone who knew Stiles would never feel that joy again, and they shouldn't. It wouldn't be right without him here.

Scott barely had the guts to attend but he needed to, they needed him to.

He sobbed at the funeral. Everyone did.

Scott had cried endlessly for days after the news. His best friend in the whole wide world, his partner in crime, his brother, died in a car crash.

On October 12, at 10:27 pm he was announced dead.

Dead to the world, never to be seen or heard of again.

It hit the sheriff the hardest. He completely shut everyone out after he heard, and cried until he passed out from exhaustion. He had stayed with Melissa and him for a few days until he got himself back together. At least enough to function.

Those days were the worst. Scott had never seen Noah so broken and angry, he had cursed the heavens and yelled and screamed until his voice grew hoarse-every night.

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