Chapter 11 (Uh oh)

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Hi everyone I'm finally back! Sorry I haven't posted in awhile finals are this week and I've been really busy but I'm here! Anyway enjoy this chapter more will be coming soon :)


Stiles POV-

I slowly make my way out of the forest. A cloud of disappointment looms over me. When I woke up the mysterious wolf was gone, no trace of its scent anywhere. It's like it completely vanished, almost like it was never there at all.

I tread my way back to the loft and as far as I can tell it had only been a few hours since I've been gone. The pack probably had already moved on with their day instead of waiting for me to return. At least I hoped they did. 

Let me tell you climbing the stairs up to the loft is a challenge on it's own. My short little legs could barely reach far enough to the next step, I honestly thought I looked like a puppy learning to walk.

It's pathetic really.

People should really start accommodating stairs for small animals, seriously. However after several attempts of jumping up to the next step I managed to make it all the way to the top of the stairs. Talk about an accomplishment. I mean sure I could have shifted but then I'd have to actually make conversation with people in the loft. 

My little paws scrape at the door, patiently waiting for someone to open it. I swings open after a few moments by Peter who looks rather annoyed and relieved when he sees me.

"There you are. Where the hell have you been?"

I just stare at him expectantly. He huffs and opens the door wider signalling for me to step in. I'm about halfway through the door when I hear the horrid words uttered.

"Genim Alexander Stilinski is that you?" 

Uh oh.

"Where the hell have you been young man?!"

I cower down once I'm in the room. Derek and my father both stare at me from the couch and Peter smirks down at me, but I ignore him. I slowly make my way towards my father who's eyes are firm and furious. 

Damn this is really bad timing.

No longer able to meet his gaze I lower my head and shift back knowing he'd ask me to do it anyway. My gaze remains locked on the ground and must I say the floor is spotless now that I really look at it. I'm definitely expecting more yelling and maybe even a couple curse words, but I soon find myself trapped in my father's embrace. His arms are wrapped tightly around my shoulders with a bruising force.

"-Uh-dad I can't breathe!" I wheeze out and he reluctantly lets go but his hand still remains on my arm.

"Where have you been? I was expecting you home hours ago, son. It's been almost two days with no calls or texts from you. Nothing. I-I thought something happened maybe a rogue wolf or maybe one of those weird Kanima things Jackson-"

"-Dad I'm fine alright, I'm ok. I just forgot to text." He looks at me with a questioning look but sighs in relief as he visually checks me over for injuries.

"And with all the disappearing you've been doing" Peter blurts out smiling as I glare at him for spilling the beans.


"It's nothing dad I've just had a lot on my plate, that's all." I say and manage to look over towards Derek who's staring directly back at me, his face blank and emotionless.

There's a few moments of silence before I eventually ask, "where's everyone else?"

Peter chuckles, "you're father politely demanded they all head home and get some rest. They had spent hours stressing and worrying over you." 

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