Chapter Fifteen(To The Man Who Made Me Feel)

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Stiles POV-

When I stepped forward it was like my limbs didn't really belong to me and that step is a negotiation rather than an order. Everything hurts now. Every damn thing.

 I wince as I struggle to pull in a breath but soon enough I come crashing towards the ground so hard that my teeth rattled in my head painfully and my vision blurred for a second. My knees hit the cold tiled ground with a thud and I sagged in defeat and lowered my head.

I was trapped.

I'm going to die.

I heard someone shouting my name but I didn't look up and covered my ears with my hands, pressing them against my head as hard as I could trying to drown out the noise as I tucked my head between my legs.


"No, don't touch him!"

"We have to help!"


Oh god - oh god - I can't-

"He can't breathe! We have to help-"

"I said no."

"I don't give a crap what you said! Move aside-"

Suddenly I felt warm broad hands grab my arms and try to remove them from my head but I struggled against them as hard as I could.

No - no - no! Leave me alone!

"Jesus he's a fighter!"

Oh god - please-

"Calm Stiles, it's alright we're just trying to help-"

More hands held onto my body -grabbing and touching, and I felt sick.

"What the hell happened to his neck!?"

"He was attacked."

"By who!?"

I whimpered when they managed to get my hands away from my head, "Please- P-Please stop..."

"Oh hell. We're not gonna hurt you-"

I didn't bother to listen to what lies were being told so I wiggled my body out of the person's grip and tried to stand only to almost fall on my face if it weren't for those same hands grabbing onto my shoulders.

"-We need to do something he's going to hurt himself more."

"Well, I'm open to ideas!"

"Lift him up and bring him over here."

My head was pounding almost rhythmically and I had yet to open my eyes, everything was too bright out there. And the yells. It was making my head hurt worse to the point where I just wanted to pass out. I want to escape. I felt arms wrap around my shaking legs and then I was being hoisted into the air bridal style and my side was pressed against someone's chest.

"Set him down here."

I was placed on something soft, definitely not one of Deaton's medical tables but I held back another whimper when I felt those warm hands let go.

"Christ, Deaton. The kids got bruises everywhere."

Deaton's here?

"He doesn't smell like anything either..."

"And what's with the jacket?"

"Can you all shut up!"

I heard collective sighs from beside me and I tried to pry my eyes open to see what was going on but as soon as I did the light directly above me hurt too much and I pulled my hands up to cover my face.

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