Book Two-Chapter One (Alpha)

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-Flash Back-

"-Come on Stiles. I really don't want to hurt you, but you need to start cooperating soon," Kali sighs out, looking down at me with some sort of pity. We've only been at this for an hour.

"" I then spat a mouthful of blood at her feet. She just shakes her head solmely and lands one more hard punch to my face, my head snaps to the side and I grunt in pain but refuse to make any noise.

Over the past few months I've learned to keep quiet but sometimes I can't help it. I hate sitting here like their play toy, taking the brute of their anger.

"Stiles, Stiles, Stiles when will you learn that this is all for the better. We're gonna make a proper alpha out of you so it's best to listen and learn little fox," she kneels down and grabs my face forcing me to look her in the eyes. I just stare at her silently until she lets my chin go and steps away with frustration. She grabs the gold brass knuckle off the table of her tools and continues on with our session.

By the end I'm still a bloody and bruised mess but I've gotten used to it. It doesn't seem like it but she's been going easy on me recently, though I'm not sure why. Probably some sort of sick twisted remorse she feels towards me. 

"See you tomorrow my little fox," she smiles and winks as she grabs a rag to wipe the blood off her hand. I give her my best smile, though my bloody teeth probably don't make it very appealing. She just shakes her head and struts out of the room, leaving me alone on the cold ground once more...


-Present-  Stiles POV-

"Stiles we leave in ten!" Ethan shouts down the hall towards my room. I don't bother to answer back as I walk to my bed and grab my gear. 

After a full year of training, torture and overall BS, Deucalion has finally deemed me ready to go out into the field. No that it was exciting or anything but I knew I was finally ready.

A part of me though, during this past year is still saddened and disgusted by what I've become. I can barely look into the mirror without smashing it to shards. A piece of my former self is still trying to ground me to sanity, but there's was nothing I could do about it. I didn't have a choice. They've carved me into the perfect monster- the perfect alpha. 

And today was the day that I finally got to prove myself. Today was the day that all the pain all the torment was finally worth it. 

I stopped having hope a long time ago. Back when they first captured me and took me to Colorado to 'train'. I had once believed that my so called pack would come after me, that they would save me but it never happened. 

After I saw the police reports of the wreckage of my accident, my father's cruiser had supposedly gone of a cliff when we crashed. While my dad somehow managed to survive the fall my body was never found. I was dead to them. To the public, to everyone. I knew my dad was safe though, about a month I traveled back to Beacon Hills to see how he was doing.

One of the twins always went with me to make sure I didn't run away but after I saw my father I didn't dare try. 

-Flash Back-

I climbed up the tree next to my house, silently watching everything from above in the shadows. My black attire shielding me from view as I looked down at my father in the kitchen window. 

I was almost in tears when I saw his rough, aged face. The face I had missed dearly. One of the many faces that plagued my nightmares. He smiled as Melissa came and hugged him from behind planting a short kiss to his neck. 

They had finally gotten together I realized. They were happy now. What seems like forever ago me and Scott tried to secretly get them to date, but my dad busted us and we never heard the end of it. 

I shook the memory from my head and wiped a single stray tear the escaped. A soft breeze sent shivers up my spine but I just pulled my hood over my face once more, wrapping my arms around my abdomen. 

Melissa laughed in delight when my father turned around and hugged her, kissing her sweetly on the lips. They swayed together for a few minutes before my father grabbed his glass from the counter and pulled Melissa with him. He just smiled down at her and then they were gone. 

A sharp pang of guilt and hurt suddenly washed over me when I saw them leave. I realize now that I can never come back to my home or what I once called a home. I'd ruin the joy and the family my father finally created. I hadn't seen him smile like that since my mom died, and he deserved all the happiness he could get. 

I deserved nothing. 

I stood up from where I leaned against the tree trunk and quickly descended out of the tree, landing gracefully on the ground. Aiden and Ethan watched me from across the street silently. I didn't bother to meet their eyes as we walked back into the dark forest. I wanted to visit my mother grave one last time but I knew we were on a time limit.

Over the past months, I had behaved enough that Deucalion granted me this once wish. To come see my father. However now I wanted to take it all back. I never want to come here again. I don't deserve that kind of relief, I don't want to torture myself any longer thinking I still belong here. That they still need me. 

They had moved on and so should I. It's time to play my part and be what they want me to be.

An Alpha.



I walked over to my bed grabbed my bag and flung it over my right shoulder. I was dressed in all black from head to toe, it seemed to be the theme around here so I went with it. Before I could move away though a small, shiny object on the ground caught my attention. Sighing I leaned down and picked up the object, it was in fact my switchblade my dad bought me when I was fourteen. It was left in the cruiser for years and only then had I found it when we were heading back home. I don't remember putting it in my pocket the day of the crash and in all honesty I forgot Deucalion let me keep it when he found it on me. 

Just another reminder of what I once had and what I had lost. I set the switchblade on my neatly made bed and stormed out of the room in haste. We would never be returning to Colorado, so I left it. Leaving it behind meant leaving a piece of myself and my childhood but I didn't care. 

It was best to be forgotten. I had a role to fill now and I didn't need another reminder of what I used to be. 

I'm a warrior. 

...Now it's time to go kill some sons of bitches, and raise a little hell. 


Hi, everyone I hope you enjoy this chapter. Sorry it's a little short but it's sort of just and intro to the second book. Anyway I'm super excited for this as I hope you all are! Stay safe out there and I'll see you in the next chapter :)

-And yes, I did use a Dean Winchester quote at the end. I'm still grieving :(

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