Chapter Twenty Four (Letting You Go)

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Noah was terrified and he had every damn right to be.

In the past couple of hours not only did he discover that his son, his precious boy who he thought was killed, was actually alive and has been alive this whole time - that now missing again - pisses him off.

Not to mention that Derek Hale, the man he trusted to look after his son and cherish him, left while his son was finally opening up to them, made his blood boil and he was most certainly going to shoot the man if he dared to show his face.

"I'll find him, Claudia." Noah whispered to the sky. "I'll make this right again."

He'll bring his son back and he'll fix this because now he has a chance to make Claudia proud of him again and there is no way he's going to lose his son a second time. No way in hell. Werewolves be damned.

Noah walked out of the house towards the porch where the pack was gathered, they must have smelled his fury because they all took a few tentative steps back as he approached. The Sheriff was a very intimidating man without a doubt and the young wolves knew that.

"Peter," Noah said and looked to the man leaning against the railing, his voice teetering on the edge of a yell. "If I find your nephew... don't get in my way," he warned and Peter nodded while holding his hands up in complicit agreement. Peter wasn't scared of the town's Sheriff, per se, but eyeing the gun in the man's holster made him all the warier.

Peter smirked. "By all means, Sheriff. We're all waiting to tear my nephew a new one I believe."

Peter was undoubtedly going to give Derek a firm smack in his thick skull, along with the pack too because his idiotic nephew was so dense and emotionally constipated that he left his vulnerable mate alone, again, and Peter might have to beat some sense into him. Or have the Sheriff do it for him. Both will bring him immense satisfaction either way.

Scott let go of Isaac from where he was cuddle miserably at his side and stepped closer to Noah placing a gentle hand on his shoulder, relieving some of the tension there. "Don't worry, Mr. Stilinski, we'll find Stiles, I swear," Scott promised and they both hugged before Scott motioned for the others to follow him into the forest where Stiles scent led without a moment's waste.

Noah only hoped that Scott and Derek's betas will be able to bring his son back, for now, he'd be left waiting, so Peter, him, and Stiles other three newer friends were gonna go hunt down Derek.

And Noah was going to do more than give him a stern talking to.


I was getting horrible flashbacks as I ran in fox form, it was like Deja Vu and I was once again running away from my problems hoping to find solace in the forest. I just wanted to drown out the voices in my head and I was tempted to just let my fox take over so I wouldn't have to think or feel. My emotions were once again getting the better of me, surprise - surprise.

Yet, I didn't care so much anymore because everything felt so overwhelming. I was seconds away from being sucked under a tidal wave of hurt and sadness and I didn't know how much longer I'd be able to hold it back.

Everything hurt.

I knew I was letting out a string of pitiful whines as I ran but I didn't have the power to shut myself up. There was no switch that would allow me a moment to forget the pain unless you were a vampire, which I certainly was not.

I was torn between finding Derek and begging him to take me back even if it was painfully clear that Derek didn't want me anymore.

Why. Why did Derek not want me anymore? Was Derek ashamed of me? Was I carrying so much emotional baggage and was broken beyond repair that Derek didn't see me fit to be his mate anymore?

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