Chapter Nine (Alpha Pack)

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Derek POV-

I burst through the front doors of the school startling a few of the students but I kept running as I smelt out the pack, I turned down the hall towards the storage room and they were all gathered around the door.

"D-Derek, Scott's in there with him but he c-can't, and the teacher-" Allison started to explain but put her hand over her mouth in anguish, tears leaking from her eyes. I pushed open the door and stare unblinking for a few seconds as Isaac and Scott wrestled on the floor.

I rushed forward and grabbed Isaac by the neck slamming him into the wall. He growled and reached his hands around to claw at my stomach and face, I held him there and grunted in pain at each painful swipe.

I turned to look towards Scott who seemed frightened and confused.


He stood frozen for a few seconds and I knew he wanted to help but I flashed my eyes and he gasps in shock but slowly backed out of the room and shut the door. Isaac dug his claw viciously into my left arm and I growled in pain letting my fangs drop as I roared in his face, he panicked and struggled more in my grip - his clawed hands wrapping around my own.

I flashed my eyes and growled louder, "STOP!"

Isaac quit squirming and shifted back instantly out of his beta form sagging against my grip and bared his throat in submission, my wolf whined in sadness and guilt because I hated seeing him like this. I quickly released my grip on his throat and caught him in my arms lowering him to the ground cautiously and cradled his head against my chest.

"Breathe, just breathe-there you go." I tightened my hold on him as he whimpered. "Shh, it's alright Isaac, your okay."

After a few moments, I heard the pack anxiously talking from the other side of the door but I kept my focus on the shaking boy in my arms-rubbing soothing circles across his back.

"What's going on Isaac?" He curled closer to me and sighed, I could tell he was tired and a little embarrassed by what happened.

"I was walking down the hall past his locker, usually I try to avoid it but I just...the memories...I-I miss him, Derek. I really really miss him it wasn't fair-"

He starts to sob quietly and my heart feels like it's been squeezed to death but I close my eyes forcing the tears away, it takes a couple of tries but I manage not to make a complete fool of myself and go back to comfort the crying boy.

"I know pup, I know. I miss him too we all do."

He stops crying after a few minutes and nods against my chest but I can feel him start to pull himself together, to will the sadness away.

"I've missed you, Derek," his voice is small and slightly muffled against my jacket but I still hear him clearly - the guilt and pain start to rear their ugly heads once more, so I help him stand and tell him to go out to the pack knowing they'd be able to comfort him better than I ever could. Once the door is firmly closed again I smell around the room, distinctly remember Scott saying there was a teacher in here and while I should have been more focused on keeping our secret hidden my main priority was the pack, always.

From the very back of the storage room, I heard sniffles and small gasps, accompanied by the obvious smell of fear and panic coming from a woman curled in on herself against one of the shelves. Her head snaps up as I approach and I want to cringe as I see her start to panic once more, obviously seeing the wounds that litter my torso.

I give her my best smile and held out my hand for her to take. "It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you. Uh, one of the students just had a little...panic attack and needed some help."

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