Chapter Three (Little Red)

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Stiles POV-

Stiles shivered slightly as he tried to shake the memories of the boy in the cellar. He had a mission to do and now definitely wasn't the time for any chick-flick moments. Or weakness.

I grabbed my sword from its sheath and the weight of it instantly calmed me. I'd gotten so used to carrying around a weapon lately and the sword just so happened to be my favorite. It was sharp and smooth and I eventually got Deucalion to put a good word in to make the pommel dark red. 

I quickly brought my sword down on the glass and it shattered at the impact. I jumped through the small whole, ignoring the pieces that scratched my arms and legs as I neared the ground.


Just breathe.

I landed harshly on my feet, an echo sounding around the small room. Almost instantly I heard a rustle of fast movements, accompanied by the sound of guns being loaded and undoubtedly pointed at me. 

I smiled to myself, "Joseph," I spoke and turned to face the three men. "You have something Deucalion wants." The taller man just smirked behind his gun pointed at my head.

"Oh yeah? And what would that be, oh knight in shiny-red armour?"

I chuckled and pointed my sword straight at him. "The vile of course." 

Joseph's crooked smile dropped as fast as it came and the other two men at his sides practically growled. The short one on his left spoke first. "Like hell you're getting the vile, Red. There's two of us and only one of you, and uh, we have guns." He smiles while nodding towards his pistol.

Idiot. I sighed at them. People always seem to underestimate me and it pisses me off. 

"Suit yourselves," and with that I shot a dagger out of my hand that landed right in the short man's chest. I didn't watch as he hit the ground and quickly moved behind one of the beams when the other two fired towards me rapidly. 

 I let out a small grunt as one of the bullets grazed my shoulder but my stance never faltered.

I angrily threw another dagger effortlessly from behind the metal beam which landed directly in the other man's skull. Bullseye. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Joseph frantically grab the case and run out the warehouse door, firing twice at me before he disappeared.

I moved away from the beam and sprinted after Joseph in a blur of red and black. As soon as I got outside though, I was surrounded by five other men with Joseph proudly standing to the side of them. 

"...Looks like you're outnumbered little red," Joseph practically sang. My eyes flashed in anger but it was all masked by my hood. 

That snake.

"Just hand over the vile, Joseph, and no one has to get hurt." My shoulder was now dripping blood but I blocked out the pain. A little blood never hurt nobody, especially me. Plus I think it added nicely to my jacket. Joseph just smirked and nodded towards his men to fire. However before they could even get one shot, I pulled out my small gun from behind my coat and fired back at the men. They didn't have enough time to be surprised as their bodies fell to the ground almost gracefully, if my lessons taught me anything it was how to be a pretty damn good shot. Joseph looked slightly panicked as he tried to sprint to the cars dropping his gun foolishly, but I quickly shot him in the leg once and he screamed as he face planted on the gravel. 

I tucked my gun back in my belt and casually twirled my sword as I made my way towards Joseph. He tried crawling away with the case--leaving a small trail of blood a few feet behind him as he went. When I reached him I just rested my heavy boot on his back making him grunt in pain and let out a string of curses. I flipped Joseph over so we were face to face and kneeled over his tall form. 

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