Chapter Fourteen(Too Close for Comfort)

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Scott POV-

I was constantly on edge all day, my wolf was angered that we left Isaac's side but I was itching to tell the pack what happened and they needed to know, but I didn't know how to break the news. How do you tell your closest friends that one of their pack mates was being...hurt...and we didn't - I didn't even know.

When I walked into the old hale house I felt their eyes on me - but I didn't say anything. I simply sat on the rock-hard couch and stared at my hands.

"Scott? You okay?" Allison's concerned voice made me look up but before I could answer, Derek stepped into the room - his usual scowl in place.

He smelled different.

In fact, over these last few months, everyone smelled different. There was more emotion, a foul scent that clings to practically everyone especially Derek. Not to be rude but he smelled the worst. Guilt, sadness, self-loathing, it was everywhere in the house and he reeked of it.

Jackson looks at his phone quickly from beside me before announcing that Lydia would be running a little late.

Derek looked around the room for a good minute before narrowing his eyes at us, "Where's Isaac?" The others shrugged and I didn't say anything - I was completely frozen it was like the words were stuck in my throat and I didn't know how to get them out. Derek was deep in thought just standing there before he continued, "Today's the last day, the Alpha pack should be coming but I'm not sure when."

As Derek spoke the tension in the room doubled and I could smell the panic coming off some of them, I too felt uneasy but for a different reason. This all seemed like a losing battle. Erica sighed heavily from her position on the wall and she gave Derek a hard glare, "So what are we supposed to do exactly? We can't just wait for them to show up and kill us."

Derek remained stoic, "we're not going to go looking for trouble. If they come here I'll do my best to protect you all but for now, we remain vigilant. Watch your backs."

I could tell Derek wasn't lying but my concern wasn't for us, after all, he was the one the Alpha Pack wanted shouldn't we be protecting him? And we should have been protecting Isaac...

"-Strength in numbers, that's why I called you here."

Even the humans but that went unspoken, we all knew how to handle ourselves but the extra hands didn't hurt.

"Well not to deflate anyone's glorious idea that we'll win but just so you know we're probably all gonna die horribly and this will be for nothing," Peter's voice echoed through the room as he stepped down the loud wooden stairs, "but please continue - I'm eager to watch it unfold anyway."

Jackson growled lowly at him, "Hey creeper nobody asked."

Peter smirked and went to reply but there was a brief and sudden knock at the door startling everyone in their spots. Jackson, Erica, Boyd, and I all stood and crept closer to Derek's side - blocking the path to the humans behind us. I couldn't smell anything but I heard the sound of feet move across the porch. Kira rose off her feet to stand next to me, "Any chance it's someone selling girl scout cookies?" She whispered.

In winter? I shrugged and when nothing happened for a minute, Derek slowly moved forward to open the door. On the other side was a man in a long red leather jacket, the same one from the clinic and I growled threateningly the others shifted as well but Derek held up his hand and we stopped instantly.

"Derek what the hell are you doing!?" I yelled at him but he didn't look back at us and just stared at the man in the doorway.

"Hey big guy," the man says and uncrosses his arms, but his hood and black neckerchief still hid his face and I heard Derek huff.

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