Chapter 9 (I'm a WHAT!?)

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Stiles POV-

I'm jolted awake by a hand abrubtly slapping my cheek. I spring up and look around expecting something to be going horribly wrong like usual, but its's not...

In fact when I gaze around the room I see the pack still sleeping soundly in a pile. I look down to my right to see Isaac's hand resting in my spot. Ah he must have accidently moved in his sleep. I just roll my eyes and let out a small smile, Isaac is just too precious.

Before I can lay back down to sleep I just now notice the kitchen light being on. Weird I don't remeber seeing it on earlier?

I stand up and move out of the pack pile careful not to step on anyones sprawled limbs, and slowly head towards the kitchen. As I come around the corner I see Derek sipping a mug, resting against the counter. I'm about to turn and flee for the sake of my life but I'm too late.

"Stiles..." he speaks softly.

I just sigh and turn back around stepping into the kitchen only to be met with Derek's firm gaze directly on me. I just gulp and pray that I can leave with my life. The memory of earlier still replays in my head making my stomache turn in discomfort.


"What are you doing up so late?"

"Um nothing and it's not that late"

He just gives me a funny look and turns his gaze towards the clock on the wall above the stove.

"So you're telling me that clock doesn't say 2am..."

I look towards the clock and sure enough he's right about the time.

"Huh would you look at that it does." In all honestly 2 isn't late anymore at least not as of recently with my lack of sleep and all.

Derek just grunts and turns towards the coffee pot grabbing and extra mug filling it up and hands it to me. I want to refuse but I also want to live. So I just except the mug and take a small sip which does make me feel better. Just a little.

There's a few moments of silence so me being my spazic self decide to do something about that.

"Sooooo what are you doing?" I ask taking another sip of my coffee. Would it be obnoxious to slurp?

Derek just looks at me and sighs, "well I was on the phone with Deaton earlier and had asked him to fill me in on a few things."

"Why's Deaton up so late?" Derek just shrugs.

"Well what were you guys talking about?" I could help my curiosity.

It's painfully silent for a few moments but Derek finally manages to speak.

"You" and with that he downs his coffee and moves to put the mug in the sink.

Me? The thought makes me nauseous for some reason, why on earth would they talk about me?

As if sensing my thoughts escalate Derek moves closer and starts to speak in his usual grumpy, carless tone.

"We were talking about your eyes"

"My eyes?"

"Yes your eyes."

I stare at him for a few seconds completely dumbfounded, you'd think he'd get the hint to continue but he just stares back at me. I raise my eyebrow signaling for him to go on, and he looks down before clearing his throat.

"Earlier in I had noticed that one of your eyes turned red."

I blush at the returning memory of our almost kiss but shake the thought away.

"One of my eyes?"

"Yes one was red and the left eye was purple, like your fox"

I couldn't look him in the eyes after that so I just stared down at my feet not knowing how to respond. How could one of my eyes be red? I run a shakey hand through my hair and let out a long sigh, my nerves are through the roof right now. Literally.

"That's why I called Deaton, hoping he'd know something. And I told him about earler with the rival pack how you killed Hemsworth," I feel tears start to prick my eyes at Derek's words. It definitely still hurt.

"-he told me that by killing Hemsworth that automatically make you an...alpha."

It takes me a few seconds to process that before my eyes snap up to Derek's face to see him look just as shocked as I am.

"...I'm a WHAT!?"

Derek's eyes widened and before he could respond I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder causing me to jump and almost spill out all my coffee. The person behind me snorts.

I see Isaac take a step back seeming suprised and amused at my reaction then he looks over towards Derek, except he never meets his eyes.

"Are you alright Stiles?" Isaac practically whined out turning his attention back towards me. My heart melted at the sight of him, his hair was an absolute mess of curls and his eyes still seemed clouded with sleep. He looked so cute! I'm snapped out of my musings when I noticed he was still speaking.

"-then I noticed you were gone and came to find you," he whispered and he honestly looked like a lost puppy. I set my mug down and rushed over to him enveloping him in a tight hug, he simply buried his face into my neck and clung to me like a lifeline.

"I'm alright Isaac I was just having a chat with Derek"

"He didn't hurt you again did he?" Isaac mumbled.

I looked towards Derek who's face seemed frozen in shock still, and I just rubbed Isaac's back some more.

"N-no he didn't I'm fine," my words seemed to soothe Isaac who loosened his grip a little. "Why don't you go back to the pile and I'll be there in a minute."

I felt a small nod against my neck and released my hold on his body.

"Ok mom."

Whaaat!? My mouth hung open at Isaac's statement but he was already out of the kitchen before I got my brain to work and form actual words.

"Mom!? What does he mean mom?" I ask turning back towards Derek only to find that he was gone. Again. He must have left out the other door.

I sigh in dissapointment but head back towards the pack. Everyone was still in their previous positions except Isaac who was patiently sitting in the middle staring at me.

I give him a small smile and carefully walk towards him, and by the time I sit down next to him he already has his arms wrapped around my waist pulling me to lay down. I let out a small squeak before I finally settle in and relax. I can't hear Derek anymore but I can hear the small snores and rustle of movements coming from the pack.

Peter was definitely the loudest from where he sat on the love seat, curled in a small ball. It would be good blackmail but I'm honestly too tired to care. I close my eyes and scoot closer to Isaac who tightens his grip and nuzzles his face into my neck again.

After a while I can almost feel everyone shift closer too me as if they just noticed I returned but it's probably all in my head.

My thoughts quiet down enough to where I can finally rest peacefully. At least I hope.

I'll just deal with all the *yawn* alpha crap tomorrow...and the mom thing...

Hopefully I'll have the next part up soon, take care everyone!!
Ps- I'm also thinking of doing Sterek one-shots and I have a few ideas but I would love if people sent/commented me ideas of their own! I really hope to create that soon :))

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