Chapter Nineteen(A reason to Fight)

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As soon as Scott landed away from me, cradling his jaw after I delivered a solid punch to his face I jumped up from the floor pulling out my sword in case he decided to tackle me again.

Damn. I was so not prepared for this.

I felt everyone's eyes on me and it made my skin crawl like little bugs were traveling over my arms and legs. I hated being watched. I felt no point in pulling my hood back up, they already saw and now it's too late for me. Charlie came up beside me, she didn't touch but her presence was appreciated and I wasn't alone.

"Oh my god...Oh my god..."

Eventually, I had to look up, I mean really all I'm doing is delaying the inevitable and when I saw Scott's face I wish I would have run. He looked so broken, so confused and I ached to just hug him because it's been so long. So goddamn long and I missed my brother.

"S-Stiles?" His voice quivered and I just stared back, too afraid to move and disturb the peace.

"Yeah...It's me."

Scott stepped forward again but Charlie was faster and she moved to stand in front of me protectively, daring Scott to take another step. At another time and place, I would have laughed at seeing Scott's shocked face but that wasn't here nor there, so I pulled Charlie back giving Scott a chance to do whatever he needed to do.

He stepped closer and lifted his hand to my face and I fought back the flinch as he touched my cheek, similar to what Derek did.

"It's really you," he whispered. "I...I don't understand."

I dropped my gaze but he just walked closer and pulled me into a hug, carefully wrapping his arms around my shoulders and I started to shake again. I don't think I've ever gotten this many hugs in one day.

"Stiles," and that's all he says after I finally bring my arms to wrap around his chest and I start to cry, which was a little embarrassing but I felt so tired and worn out and I just wanted to be held.

There were sounds around me and I knew the pack was making their way closer but I didn't know if I could face them yet so I buried my face in Scott's chest and I felt his own tears in my hair as he tightened his arms further.

"I-I thought you were dead...the police said you were...dead..." Scott couldn't finish his sentence before he started crying again and the urge to spill my guts and tell him everything was so overwhelming but we came here for a reason, I had to remind myself.

Save the pity for later.

I let go of him and he eventually got the message - pulling back so he could look at me. After a quick once over I let out a watery smile. Yep, still the same golden boy I know and love.

"Yeah, it's a long story," I mutter and scratch my neck nervously. "Sorry for punching you."

I sheath my sword, pretty confident that I wouldn't need it when I felt a small punch to my arm, startling me and I turned to my left to Erica's tear-streaked face. Her dark mascara running down her cheeks and Boyd was by her, his normally stoic expression was now sad but he smiled at me.

Before I could speak Erica punched me again in the arm but also pulled me in for a long hug.

"Hey Catwomen," I say and rest my head atop hers comfortably.

She lets out a sad - quiet laugh. "Hey Batman," she whispers against me. Over her big blonde curls, I see Lydia Martin giving me her best glare, it's still frightening even as she cries and I never thought I would be on the receiving end of one.

"Lyds..." I start but she holds her hand up.

"Don't. You. Dare."

I attempt to step closer but Erica refuses to let go, even as Boyd tries to gently pry her off.

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