Chapter Twenty Two (Pursuit of Happiness)

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"Oh hell-"

I pried myself away from Derek and practically flopped off the table onto the floor, luckily he was there to catch me before I splattered on the ground.

"Woah, Stiles. Slow down-"

I grabbed his arms which seemed to be the only thing keeping me up at the moment and I let out a broken whine in desperation.

"Gods Derek, I-I can't," I sobbed out and his eyes widened dramatically when my whole mood shifted but soon those green orbs softened instantly and I knew he understood. He cupped my face again which seemed so intimate and I melted under his touch.

Honestly, it was super embarrassing how much control he seemed to have over my body with one single gaze and brush of skin, but I wasn't one to complain. He looked at me like I was his whole world and my insides suddenly felt all gooey again.

"It's alright, Gen." He whispered gently but I didn't understand how he could be so sure. How could he know that this wouldn't all fall apart as soon as I showed my face? That I wouldn't fall apart.

I hugged him closer, willing the bad thoughts away, trying to keep my scent calm and collected. I couldn't break right now, I needed to be strong.

"But Der he still thinks I'm dead, he doesn't know - and I..." The words were caught in my throat and I felt my breaths coming in short strides as if there wasn't enough air to consume. "What if...What if he doesn't want to see me?" I breathed out and suddenly I felt Derek's chest vibrate into a growl.

Before I could turn my head away from where it was being held in his hands, he started kissing my face all over. Eyelids. Mouth. Forehead. Cheeks. Nose.

His soft - warm lips made my skin prickle and tingle, I barely stopped myself from pouting when he pulled away. He flashed his eyes again and I felt a sense of calm wash over me once more, Derek had the magic touch apparently. Him and his goddamn sinful mouth, that is.

Derek then buried his face in my neck and I half expected my body to betray me and shy away from the touch like I was so used to doing, but instead, I threaded my fingers through his dark hair and pushed his face closer. I felt him tense but I couldn't let him break away so I whined again and pulled him closer.

His resolve cracked and he gave a pleased growl in return and scent marked the hell out of my neck making me smile.

God, we had no restraint at all and I couldn't contain the quiet giggle from escaping. He began kissing and rubbing his nose over the sensitive skin and I felt him take long deep breaths like he was trying to inhale me through smell alone. It made my knees weak.

"Der," I gasped when he kissed a particularly sensitive spot behind my ear and he just kept growling into my neck, almost like a purr.

There was another knock at the door but I couldn't bring myself to answer back, I was too afraid of what was on the other side waiting. Before I could dwell too much I was again distracted by Derek when he began to barely run his teeth over my pulse point and I mewled, arching against him.

He caught me once my legs buckled and stepped over to the small couch in the corner that Deaton let us bring in for the pack to sit on since I practically lived in here. Dropping me gently on top of it he swooped down to my face keeping his body atop mine barely touching and I brought my hands back up to his hair, pecking him on the lips.

Damn. His plan worked.

"Ugh," I sighed and leaned back against the cushions letting my hands fall away in defeat. "How dare you be so tempting, my wolf."

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