The Beginning

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The first day of Freshman year was a bit of a blur, but nevertheless, unforgettable. I was fresh out of middle school and all alone as I cruised the halls of Frontline Academy, lost and hopeless. There was no way I'd make it through high school. Not without my best friends at least. All of my middle school friends went to a typical high school, unlike me. Despite being afraid to face this new challenge alone, I had a game plan: keep to myself, don't draw attention to my self and let new friends come as they may. I don't want to start high school off the same way I started middle school. I made a total fool of myself on the first day by just being way to bubbly and loud and hyper. In the end, I ended up with my best friends who I loved more than anything. I loved them enough to look them in the face with total heart break and say I'm moving to a new school the following year. Now I'm here and ready to start fresh. After all, it was freshman year.

My last class of the day came as fast as the day had started and I still had yet to meet anyone, let alone make eye contact with someone. As much as Frontline denied it, there were cliques here. There was no in the middle where I usually stand in the social class. I usually stand between the e-girls and the preppy bitches. Here, there's not really a place where ends meet. At least not that I'm aware of.  As I walked into my biology class for the first time, I felt comfortable. This was the only room that had all different  kinds of people that didn't all look like same like my previous classes. That, and this room was actually warm. The classrooms here aren't regular classrooms. We have tables with four chairs at each rather than desks in rows. Whiteboards surround the walls of each classroom and the teacher's desk don't even lie in the classroom. The teacher's desk are all in a room they call the "bullpen". To be honest, it made me nervous to sit at tables rather than desks because it reminds me of the middle school cafeteria. You have a place, and if you sit in the wrong one, bad things happen. Fearfully, I finally found a table in the back of the room and I sat down in my seat ready to start the class. Next to math, biology was one of my best subjects. "Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen and congratulations on making it through your first day of Freshman year!" Mrs. Hadley announced as she walked into the room. "It only goes downhill from here." She said as a joking smile spread on her face. "For the opening activity, I want you guys to talk to someone you haven't met today and get to know them. Choose wisely, because that person will be your partner for this activity!" I rolled my eyes. Group projects are not my thing and never will be. Perhaps I went to the wrong school considering all they do here is group projects. I stood up and looks around the room to see pretty much everyone already partnered up. What a great start to the new year, huh? Kicking off Freshman year alone. Or so I thought.

A light tap on my arm is where it all began. I turned around to a boy. His hair was black, curly, and some of it flopped in front of his face. His eyes were a minty green and his jawline was sharp enough to chop wood. Compared to me, he wasn't very much taller. I sit at a solid 5'4 while he's pushing 5'7. "Hey, I'm Danny." he says as he reaches his arm out to me to shake hands. His veins were...out there. It was kind of hot, not going to lie. "Andy." I reply bluntly. We shake hands and awkwardly smile at each other. "How's freshman year so far?" He asks me in a very curious yet monotone voice. I roll my eyes again. "Wish I could say it was fresh" I reply jokingly. He chuckles a very deep chuckle. "Honestly, I feel that." He admits. I giggle a little bit. "Wanna be partners for this activity?" Danny asked. "Sure." I agreed. No one else wanted to pair with me so I might as well accept the offer while I still can.

After class, Danny and I walked down the 100 hall still giggling and laughing about the kid in class who shoved 30 jumbo marshmallows in his mouth before he finally choked. When we got to the end of the hall, Danny's friends shot around the corner and greeted him with hand shakes, weird screeches and a lot of pelvic thrusting. I was both intrigued yet disturbed. There were six other guys besides Danny total. Calvin, who was a tall, African American kid with an afro and a black pick in his hair. Derin, who was a chunky, white guy with glasses and absolutely no filter. Gavin, a Mexican kid will shaggy brown hair and an obsession with anime and building explosives. Casey, a tall, white guy with a 50-50 maturity level and a photography profession. Johnny, a short, chunky Mexican kid who happens to love shouting the n-word at random moments. And finally, Randall. A medium sized white guy who plays baseball and has the lifestyle of a religion-stricted, helicopter parent raised family. And I kind of liked them. I felt something click in me as if something was telling me they were the ones. Then again, maybe it was just my stomach telling me the high school cafeteria food is worse than the middle school one.

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