Lose Lose Scenario

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Danny got a new girlfriend. I have to accept it, though it still is taking me a long time to comprehend how it all happened so fast. She and him knew very vaguely of each other and on Valentine's day, Derin and his  girlfriend invited Danny to go on a double date with him so Danny and Annie went. Turns out, they really like each other. They have a lot in common. After spending 3 months in a depressive state over Lacey, Danny finally talked to another girl. Hours after the double date, they're really dating now. It all happened so fast. And I can't keep up. But it is what it is. He's still my escort and he's still my best friend. Nothing can change that. Right? 

Its dress rehearsal night for DYW. Tomorrow is the real deal. Danny hasn't seen anything yet. This is his first time seeing the whole show put together. It was my turn to practice my talent. As my introduction played, Danny and the other escorts sat in the front row ready for me to go off and blow minds. My music started playing and all I could think about was how I needed to blow his mind. Annie can sing. She's the lead in her own band. Me? Nobody at Frontline has ever heard me sing. Danny didn't even know I could sing. Once I opened my mouth and sang, he was shocked. His reaction hadn't changed until the moment I walked off stage. I hope I blow the judges minds tomorrow like I just did the escorts. 

"I've known you for what, three years? And I never knew you could sing?!" I smiled and shrugged. I looked him in his shocked little perfect-I mean-dumb face. "You never asked." Later that night, we walked outside and we just talked about tomorrow, wooing over what would happen if I won. "But just imagine. A huge scholarship, an award, glory, it would be amazing!" He chuckled and smiled. "I think you would make an amazing pageant queen" My face went empty right there. He noticed. "What's wrong?" I shook my head. "I always get nervous during big things like this. I hype myself up and I mess up. I don't wanna mess up." "You won't mess up. Trust me, I'll be right there for you all night. I'll hype you up. You'll do great." I smiled. "You promise?" He lifted up his pinky just like he did that day. "I promise". I smiled. Tomorrow was going to be a good day, I can feel it.  

The morning of the pageant, I woke up and my voice was gone. Like almost completely gone. In less than four hours I was supposed to compete in a pageant. I can't believe this had to happen today of all days. The entire night, Danny disappeared. I couldn't find him anywhere. I finally found him moments before I went on stage for self expression. "Where have you been? I've been looking all over for you!" My hands were shaking. This was my last chance to make a good impression on the judges, and I spent my night worrying about where Danny had been. "Everything's fine Andy, something just came up." I looked at him in disbelief. "Something came up?" I looked down at his phone to see Annie send text after text. I let my shoulders down and sighed. "You could've just told me she had a problem instead of ditching me." I walked backstage leaving Danny to deal with his rebound. I'm starting to think he was better off with Lacey than Annie. At least Lacey respected his space. 

I won two awards, but I didn't win the crown. It was an amazing experience overall. I lost my voice and was pretty much ditched by my best friend, so I guess it's as good as it's going to get. It may not have been the top spot, but at least I won something and that something is going to come in handy when I get out of here. 

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