Things Fly South for the Winter

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You ever get that feeling where things get better in your life and then multiple things come and crash down on you and you just can't even with life? That was a moment for me. It started with my family, then it slowly started feeling like my friends too.

"Danny?" I sent to him through a text message. "Andy?" he replied back. "I went to a mental health doctor." "And..." "I got diagnosed with clinical depression, panic disorder and PTSD." There was a few minutes of absolute nothing. Then he responded. "And how are you feeling about that?" "I wasn't shocked at first, but now I don't know how to feel besides confused." "That's okay. It's all weird in the beginning. I was the same way." "I never thought it would end like this." "I know. This doesn't change anything about you." It was at that moment that I felt a sense of safety. I don't know how, but hearing that gave me hope that no matter what, someone won't see me differently. But then life came back and slapped me in the mouth.

"Tomorrow we have a court meeting to determine your status with your mom". Kristy, the CPS worker sits across from me and writes in her notebook. I'm confused on what the "status with your mom" means. "What does that mean?" Kristy closes her notebook and looks me dead in the face. "You're going to foster care tomorrow" My heart dropped. Foster care? The thing that everyone told me wouldn't happen is happening? Are you kidding me? The rest of my siblings are okay and can stay with my mom, but me? I'm with a total stranger. Someone I've never met and someone I don't want to know. I just want to go home and be with my family. Danny thinks it's great. I'm only there temporarily anyway. He thinks that this will help me get better and I can finally catch a break from all the BS in my life. He knows it sucks and he knows I'm pissed about it, but he thinks it's good for me.

That night I could not stop crying. I wasn't allowed to talk to my mother and without my mother I couldn't talk to my siblings. It was like I just lost everything that made me who I am. Physically and mentally, all I had left was me and Danny and Derin. And I've always been a materialistic person, but after this...

Even just one person is enough.

I opened Facebook, hoping anything could distract me from the current feeling I had. It distracted me from the foster care thought, but it made me feel worse. I had forgotten that tonight was Danny's date. I had forgotten that he and Annie had been talking for a while before the date. Tonight they made it official. If I lose my best friend too, what the fuck am I gonna do? 

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