Pageant Princess

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I saw a sign for a scholarship program. It was called Distinguished Young Women.  I had no idea what it was, but with research, it looked like a program to showcase your talents and win money for them. I don't like admitting it, but I can sing. I think I'm pretty decent at it. I wouldn't say I'm Whitney Houston level or anything, but I'm good at it. I signed up. Focusing on something big like scholarships could help distract me from the bullshit that's happened this last month. Even though I basically just lost half of my family, my depression has gotten pretty bad and I'm currently failing every class I'm enrolled in, the biggest thing on my mind was the fact that I was still in denial for my feelings for Danny. I pictured it in my head, and it seems weird that I like him. How could I? He's my best friend. NOTHING MORE. This distraction would be good for me. 

Update, I'm not so sure on this whole "distraction" thing. I walked into orientation for the DYW. It's a program to showcase your talents alright. However, this is most definitely a pageant.  A fucking pageant. How does someone like me end up in a pageant? I sure don't know and neither does anyone I'm in the room with. Doubts are running through my head as we speak. How do I raise $500 plus on my own? How does sponsors work? How do you walk in heels? What song should I sing? What if I'm not pretty enough? What if I'm not good enough? All these thoughts were running wild, I figured the only person I could talk to about it guessed it. Danny. 

"A pageant, eh?" Danny sits on the other side of the hallway while I sit on the bench, biting my nails anxiously. "A pageant. A fucking pageant." "Not gonna lie, I didn't think you were the type of girl" "EXACTLY!" I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms with an attitude. "Honestly Andy, I think you should go for it." I looked up at him in shock. He looks up at me with his beautiful eyes. He smiles a huge smile. "Are you serious?" "I think you should. You could be a queen. It might help with everything that's going on." "What if I don't win?" "Oh Andy. If you don't win, they'll miss out on someone amazing" Danny winks at me in the smoothest way possible. I grin. My heart is giving itself a heart attack right now. This means absolutely nothing. I don't have a crush on Danny. Absolutely not. Remember the last time we liked a homie? It didn't end well. Danny's words crossed my mind at that exact moment. "Live and love and damned be the consequences" No. Focus on the problem at hand here. I'm in a pageant. "Welp, if that's what you think you best not miss the moment I'm crowned. And by that I mean..." Danny sits up and looks intrigued, given the fact that he's now involved and that's pretty much his favorite pastime. "We need escorts for the self expression category. Will you be mine?" He smiles that cute-uh I mean-stupid little smile he always does. "This is important to you. Of course, I'll be your escort." I smile. "By the way, I have something to tell you." "What's that?" He looks embarrassed to tell me whatever it is he wants to tell me. "Derin set me up on a double date with him and his girlfriend. Her name is Annie, you know her?" I sit up and I was almost heartbroken, but I remembered I don't like Danny like that, so it's all good. "Annie Cunningham?" He shrugs. "Yeah, that's her" "Oh." I say. "Is being my escort gonna ruin that for you two?" "Of course not. You came first. You're my best friend, I wouldn't just leave you hanging." I sighed in relief. Even if, and only IF I had feelings for Danny, I would be fine with living as long as he was just in my life. At the end of the day, he's my escort in a pageant I accidentally signed up for.

My shot-shotted. 

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