The Promise

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About three months into the school year, I caught feelings. And I caught them hard. To be totally honest with you, I don't know how. One minute I was working on a video for a class with Randall, next minute, I was head over heels falling for him. Honestly, so was almost every other girl in our class. But out of every other girl in the class, he spent most of his time with me. To me, I feel like I just won the lottery. No boy has ever had the entire class as an option and chosen to be with me. It wasn't ever just his brown-green eyes, or his perfectly straight teeth or our similar taste in music or his humor, or his deep sexy voice that got me, it was the way he treated me compared to everyone else that got me. He hugged me tight, he did a bunch of things that interested me just to impress me, he even had no fear kissing me in the gym hallway. I hadn't ever kissed anyone before. He asked me out at that time, but because of his parents, we had to keep it on the down low. A lot of people at this school have connections to his family. I understood why I couldn't risk that. My stepdad would kill me if he ever found out about Randall and I, therefore, giving me a good ass reason to make sure no one found out. 

I think we had our thing for about a month. It was almost Valentine's day. I was so excited that I wouldn't have to spend Valentine's day alone this year for the first time ever. With my box of chocolates and my heart in my hands, I turned down the empty 400 hall feeling nothing but joy. As soon as I entered the empty hallway, I realized the only thing empty in that hallway was my heart. Randall was there. With one of the girls from the popular group. Her name? I didn't really care to get it at the time, all I know is that I hated her instantly as I watched her and Randall make out right in front of me. I gasped as my eyes began to flood. Randall stopped kissing her and looked over at me in fear. I dropped my gifts and ran off hoping to escape him and whoever it was he was kissing so passionately. He didn't even chase after me when I left. 

Come to find out, him and what's-her-name were an official couple. One that everyone knew about. The whole time I was the other woman. I got played. I got my heart broken. Shattered, even. After freshman year ended, Randall ended up changing schools. It was at that moment I promised myself that I would never, ever let myself get hurt again. I promised myself that I would never fall in love again. 

I've stuck to that ever since. 

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