Miracle on First Street

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It's been about 3 months since I joined my dance team. Since then, I ran for the senior class representative and won. I started my senior project where I'm making an album of songs written by yours truly about my abuse, Danny, my childhood, the whole nine yards. It's meant to help people who have been in  my situation, or even better or worse, feel like someone gets them and they feel heard. I want my music to be the voice for people who don't feel comfortable using theirs yet. I want my music to save people the way music saved me. I wrote a song on there. I wrote it a while back about Danny, but it has a way different meaning now and not just because of the fact that I changed some of the words, but because I- don't hate me for it but- I fell in love. I know I said nothing would ever happen, but...Avery and I clicked. I knew there was something about him that was special. We've been talking for months now. It's June and close to the fourth of July. We went to Rigby lake with Cherry and the dance team. I had never had the chance to build a sandcastle before. He taught me how. While building, he wrote "Will you go out with me?" in the sand. My heart exploded. I can barely keep myself calm even talking about it. It might not last forever, but I don't care.

With Danny, I felt like I always had to have somebody there to make me feel strong. I felt like I needed him in order to continue living. I thought that I was helpless and without him I would just be right back to where I was before. With Avery, I actually like myself. I don't need him, but he makes me so happy. I don't feel like I have to try to be something other than what I am around him like I did with Danny. I realize now that maybe me and Danny having a falling out was good for me. Maybe him walking away was a good thing. I never would've wanted Avery if Danny were still here. Him leaving was the best thing to happen to me because not only did I learn what love really is, but I found me. I found my place. Him leaving gave me the best thing to happen to me this year: love, kindness, true friendship, safety, home, and most importantly, happiness. And that's all I'll ever need. I know I'm taking a huge risk dating Avery, risking a potential heartbreak. I know I'm taking a huge risk putting myself out there and doing things I know make me happy, but are risky, like my album and the dance team, but as Danny once said, and the only piece I will ever hold onto:

Live and love and damned be the consequences. 

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