I Lost My Best Friend

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Weeks had gone by after the pageant. I hadn't spoken to Danny since. Not even in person. He was gone. I had tried to start conversations, but they were all very small. Small as in "hey" and I get a head nod in return. Not even a wave when I pass by. What happened to us? After everything we've been through. I decided that now I needed to confront him, even though I hate conflict. I avoid it like the plague. Guess I'm getting the plague. I find Danny in 100 hall alone and approach him. "Hey Danny!" I say as I walk up to him. He looks up from his phone and places it in his pocket. "Oh hey Andy, what's up?" "What's up? You disappeared!" Standing up in defense, Danny slowly approaches me so we stand face to face. "I haven't gone anywhere" "Oh, so we went from talking every single day and hanging out to now you turn down the hallway and barely acknowledge my existence!" "Whoa, hold up, that is not true!" "Oh it's not?" "I've just...been busy" I was starting to get real annoyed. "Yeah, no shit. You've kicked everyone out just for Annie. Or should I say, you kicked ME out just for Annie, because you sure seem real close with them still." "Andy, you don't understand" "Please explain it for me" His defense stand seemed to be getting stronger. "Annie has nothing against you. It's just a girlfriend thing!" "A girlfriend thing? So her taking you away from me and you basically ditching me at the pageant and pretending like I don't exist and that everything we've ever been through never happened is just a girlfriend thing?" I was getting heated. My volume was getting louder with each ounce of anger that continued to boil in me. "Yeah Andy it is. Why do you care?" "Because you promised me you'd be there! Ever since Annie came around, you just pretended like you didn't care anymore. You and Lacey, that's how we are now!" He pauses and looks at me as if he can't believe what I just said. "We are nothing like me and Lacey" "Are you sure? I don't see you having any kind of relationship with her anymore. And now neither do we" "Why would you even use her as an example? You know how much it hurt me!" "Yeah and this is hurting me to Danny!" "Why? Is it because you have daddy and abandonment issues? Because you can't handle being alone?" "I don't need you! You promised me you'd be there. Just like everyone else did and I was dumb enough to believe it! I even thought I was starting to love you Danny" Danny stepped back in shock. "What did you say?" There was a silence so loud in the hallway. "I thought I loved you. And I still do. No one cared about me like you and no one got me like you do. I connected to you. They say if you love someone you let them go. Consider this me letting you go" I stormed off into the hallway and didn't look back. He never said anything. Not a peep, not a chase, not a single drop of effort. Just like Randall. I promised myself I wouldn't do this, but it is what it is. He found his girl and there should've been a line. I let him go. 

I still to this day haven't spoken to Danny. 

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