Recovery Road

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Since the whole Lacey thing, I've seen the dark side of Danny and I've gotten closer to him. Now Danny sees the dark side of me. And he's getting closer to me. I've never had a guy best friend...well, at least who put effort into the friendship this time. As of yesterday, Danny and I went from "that girl/guy" to "that's my best friend". 

Months later, things are still a little rocky, but the one thing that's remained stable is my friendship with Danny. To distract myself, I started helping him out with his issues. He was still having trouble getting over Lacey. I don't blame him. The boy was in love. "Lacey says she wants to just be friends and then try dating again. It's such BS." Danny texts me. "Honestly Danny, if this is how she's acting, then how worth it is it to hold onto that and continue hurting yourself?" "That's why I've let go. It still hurts, and it will for a while, but I refuse to wait for her. I'll make someone else happy. Someone who will acknowledge that and give the same right back to me." "Then do it. There's plenty of fish in the sea." "Also, why no romance for you? Besides the drama it causes?" I had to think about that one. That was such a random one and of course, my immediate response would've been "because I promised myself I wouldn't", but that's not a good enough reason. "Because why do I need to? We all saw how Randall went." I told him. It was the most honest answer I could generate. Danny's the only one who knew briefly about Randall. "Don't let one romantic experience define them all." He tells me. He says "them all" like there's been more than one. "Grab life by the balls, Andy. Live and love and damned be the consequences." All I could do was roll my eyes. "Okay Danny, go to bed." "No!" He yells to me. "You don't know my life!" "Oh but I do." I joke back. "Bits and pieces" "I guess that's the same for you then." I tell him. He laughs and I ask him "Are you drunk yet?" "No." He responds in a joking manner. When we finally stop texting, I start re-reading everything. Talking to him makes me feel happier for some odd reason. Later in the week, him and I were texting again and he told me "I honestly don't know what I'd do without you." That's when it hit me. I kept denying it because I felt like it was too early to tell. All I could say was "Oh shit." Even though that was a warning sign for me, I refused to believe it. There was no way I could believe it.

That was the moment in which I realized I finally did it. Why did I let myself get closer to Danny? Why is it he's the only one I look forward to seeing at school? Why do I smile when I re-read our text at least 3 times a day? Why do I care about his well being more than mine? Why do I think about him at random moments? Oh, I know.

Because I just broke my freshman year promise.

Because I let guards down.

Because I finally met a decent guy who cares about me just as much as I care about him.

Because I officially admitted it to myself.

I just fell in love with my best friend. 

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