All Hope Was Lost...Then it Wasn't

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I kept hoping he'd text me. Or speak to me. He never did. I knew I deserved better, but after all we had been through, why did he just leave? I felt bad for thinking I was in love with him. Thinking about it now, I didn't really want to date him. I didn't want him to be my boyfriend. I don't think I ever did. Now that I've gone weeks without him, I realize now that  I loved him for saving my life. I loved him for being there and showing me what it felt like to matter to someone. I loved him for loving me in a way I hadn't ever known. I can't explain it, but I don't think I loved him the way I thought I did. I don't know why it took him leaving for me to realize this, but I'm glad I did, however, I felt alone just like I had before I told him. Before I told anyone. I knew I had to make sure I never fell into that hole I was in ever again. With DYW being over, I had to find a new outlet. A new thing to try. So I did. 

I joined a dance team at the local haunted house. One of the girls from the pageant pretty much drug me to tryouts. I only agreed to joining this team because I needed the distraction. While waiting for my number to be called, the dance coach, Cherry, called up all of the boys, which there were only four. Sky, Seb, Nicky and Avery. As soon as the boys walked on stage, I analyzed their appearance and the way they interacted with Cherry. Avery stood out the most. He was chill. His voice was deep yet not. He came in a black sweater and some Nike joggers. Given the way he danced and you know, the Nike pants, you could tell he was athletic compared to the other boys. He was a dark skinned Mexican boy with straight brown hair, glasses, and his hair was brushed to the side. He was cute, I'll admit, but after Danny, there was no way I'd go after anything for a fat minute. He would be a friend and only a friend.

Two days later, Cherry took the team to Sonic for a bonding night. I carpooled with one of the girls from the team. Her name was Carole. She was such a tiny little thing, but she was an asshole. A funny one. One that I got along with. She was about 5 feet tall and could fit into a kids size four shoe. Sitting next to her was Marcus. He was a cheerleader for one of the high schools in town. He was definitely gay, but that was my favorite part about him. I admire people like him, because it takes a lot to be able to be your genuine self sometimes. He had brown hair and was muscular, yet chunky at the same time. He was a cutie, I'll admit. Sitting next to me on my left was Sana. I met her  in yearbook this year before I had to drop out because of foster care. She's hella funny. She has short brown hair, she's way tall and with just one look, you'd think she was James Charles the way that her makeup looks bomb as fuck.  I'm in the middle. Next to me on my right is Nes. He's an anime weed with curly black hair. He's super skinny and has some weird obsession with the song Monster Mash. Once at Sonic, Lydia, Sana and I stood waiting for our food to come out while Lydia showed me her new dance she was choreographing. She was the girl from the pageant that drug me to try outs. I look over and see Avery sitting at the table alone drinking a soda. I figured then was a good time to shoot my shot at friendship. 

Onion rings and a chili cheese dog is where it all began. "Hey, you look a little sad bro, you okay?" I approached the lonely kid not really knowing how to "shoot my shot". "Oh yeah, I'm all good." He replies to me. He holds up his cup and looks proud of his accomplishment of a free drink. "I do have this drink though. It kind of slaps" I smile and shake my head. "I'm Andy," I reach my hand out for him to shake. He stands up and towers over me. "I'm Avery" We shake hands. "Are you hungry?" He looks confused. "I don't really have any money" "I can buy something" "Can I get onion rings?" "Oh yeah sure thing bud!" He smiles and walks over to the machine with me to order said onion rings. When we got back to the haunt, I whip out my chili cheese dog and get ready to eat this delicious delicacy sitting right in front of me. "Are you gonna eat all of that?" Avery says to me in awe of my scrumptious masterpiece.  "Yeah I sure am! You got a problem with that?" He laughs and proceeds to tell the people next to us how I'm about to eat this chili cheese dog all by myself as if he's never seen a girl eat before. I shrug and begin to take a bite of my food while he teases me. It's the first day we've ever known each other and it feels like I've known him my whole life. After Danny left, I pretty much lost my entire friend group along with him. At this moment in time, it didn't matter anymore. I feel like I found my place here. There's not a single person here that I don't already love. I think I'm gonna like it here. 

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