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Ginny, Luna, and I departed from the train and climbed into one of the carriages together which would lead us to the school. Once we arrived, I stepped off the carriage and took in the view.

This is my new home away from home. I took in a deep breath and proceeded to follow the girls inside.

We walked into the castle that was just like Ilvermorny, but different at the same time. Everything was blessed with a medieval theme. I loved it. I had grown so accustomed to living like a no-maj-muggle like my mom that when going back to school, it was nice to get away from all of the electricity and be in a place that basically runs on magic.

"We'll see you after dinner, Laurel. Hopefully, you'll be in Ravenclaw." Luna said.

"Please, Luna, she'll be in Gryffindor." Ginny teased. But I think the pair knew I wouldn't be in either house after what I told them about my family.

I walked into the large dining hall and was greeted by a tall woman in a black crooked witch's hat, and long green robes. "Hello dear. You must be our transfer from Ilvermorny." She said. I nodded with a weak smile on my face. "Come along and we'll get you sorted." She lead me up to the front for me to sit on a chair. The dining hall was still pretty empty, so she hurried to do this before everyone filed in.

She placed the hat on my head and it yelled, causing me to jump. "This is going to be particularly easy, Miss. Nott." said the hat. "So, I'll make this quick. Slytherin!" The tall woman took the hat off of my head and escorted me over to where the Slytherin students were sitting. It was beginning to fill up, so I sat in an empty spot.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" I heard a girl's voice yell. I turned my gaze to see this tall, pudgy, pug-faced girl scowling at me.

"I'm sorry?" I perplexed. "Who are you?"

"Don't fucking worry about it. Stay away from Theo. He's Daphne's boyfriend."

"I can assure you I'm not interested in Theo. I, unlike you, have the capability of landing an attractive guy." I retorted. "Who would willingly want to be with someone who looks like a common pet?"

Her face burned red. I even thought I saw some steam escape her ears from all of the hot air she was holding in.

"Your boyfriend is probably some mudblood."

Are all Slytherins obsessed with that word? Apparently not seeing as I don't like it, but I can't speak for the rest of them.

"Parkinson," a long, low drawl escaped from a masculine voice. "There will be plenty of time to toy with her tomorrow, but for now, shut up will you?" He continued. I looked up to see the blonde-haired boy from the train glaring at the pug-faced girl. I looked back at her.

"You heard him. Leave me alone." I said. She scoffed and turned away. "Thank you," I said and smiled weakly.

"Don't. I didn't do it for you. I was just tired of hearing her talk." He spat before turning his attention back to his friends.

Such a charming group of friends Theo has.

Not long after the headmaster made his speech welcoming students back, a big feast appeared in front of us. I just sat there quietly, slowly picking at food. My nerves had fully kicked in, and I couldn't find it within me to eat.

"Miss. Nott." A manly, brooding voice spoke from behind me. My eyes widened in fear. If people heard him say my last name they'd easily make the connection that Theo and I are related. I turned around to see a tall man, dressed in an all black attire, with greasy black hair and an abnormally large nose glaring at me. "This is your schedule for the remainder of the year. Miss. Parkinson and Mr. Malfoy are in charge of escorting and assisting you tonight and tomorrow." He said just before walking away.

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