Don't Be A Pussy(cat).

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Nearly a month has passed and it's a couple of days until my and Theo's seventh Halloween birthday party. I still haven't spoken to Draco, but he also hasn't spoken to me.

There were a few times where it almost happened, but someone always intervened just before. Eventually we had stopped casually seeing each other around.

Shortly after, I started spending more time with Tommy, and he's just what the girls around school say he is: Perfection. From waiting outside of the Slytherin common room for me, to walking me to class, carrying my books, everything a guy who was smitten would do.

I adored him.

I was sitting at the Slytherin table with Pansy for breakfast, which I still find it very weird to be friends with her, but I'd rather have her on my good side, when Draco and Blaise joined us, Draco sitting directly across from me, brushing his knee against mine.

I tried my hardest not to make eye contact with him, but once you look at those grey eyes of his, it's like a magnetic force keeps you locked.

"What you two talking about?" Blaise asked.

"Laurel and Theo'sparty this weekend if you must know." Pansy answers. "But it just so happens your arrival is perfect, Zabini. You're still getting the stuff right?"

"Stuff? What stuff?" I ask panning my eyes between Pansy and Blaise.

"Fire whiskey and drugs." Draco scoffed. "Obviously."

I rolled my eyes at him and looked back at Pansy. "My costume should be finished anytime now." I changed the subject. She smiles with pure excitement.

"Ooh, I cannot wait. You're going to look so good." She said looking into Draco's direction trying to make him jealous.

"Tommy's going to love you in it. He'll probably try ripping it off the moment he sees you." She continues.

I knew what she was doing, and it was working. I could feel the rage radiating off of his body. Pansy is surprisingly one of the biggest advocates for the Laurel—Draco relationship. She knew what she was doing, and it was working.

"Speaking of Tommy." I said gesturing to the dark haired boy walking into my direction.

"Good morning." He said leaning in to kiss me. "I'll see you guys later." I said to everyone. I took his hand and followed him out of the Great Hall.


I wanted to smack the fuck out of him. I hated that prick. Often I found myself hating the boy more than I hate Potter, but that's a bit of a stretch.

"They look so good together." Pansy said. "She's so happy."

"Shut up, Parkinson. No one asked for your input." I spat, earning a high pitch laugh from her.

"Please, Draco. You had your chance. Maybe if you spoke to her weeks ago like I told you to—"

"I haven't had time."

She shook her head and got up from the table. "And neither did Laurel, hence why she's moved on."

"She's such a bitch." I muttered to Blaise. He says nothing, but chuckles a little instead. "Does anyone else find it weird that they're friends?" I groaned and continued eating my toast. Blaise shrugged.

"It does seem a bit odd, but I'm not questioning it."

Theo plopped down in the seat Laurel was siting in. "Where have you been? I feel like I haven't seen you in ages, mate." Blaise asked.

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