Fool for You.

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One week at this pathetic school and I've managed to cause El to hate me even more than before.

I don't know what she sees in that jerk. Only Merlin knows how bad I wanted to retaliate when he hit me, but I didn't because I knew it would just make things even worse.

I will win her back, I'm determined. She deserves better that piece of fuck, Malfoy.

My father told me about the Malfoy's and how they're a pathetic excuse to the pureblood society. Lucius Malfoy is nothing but an ass kisser.

He claims to be under the imperious curse when it comes to serving to the Dark Lord, but I think that he's just a pussy. And so is his son, I just have to prove it.

I was sitting on a bench in the courtyard when I saw El stroll past me. I opened my mouth to speak, but I decided not to.

She'll come to me.

"What do you mean he's alive? Where was he?" She abruptly spoke in a furious, confused tone. I felt a smirk form on my face.

I was right.

"I can't go into details, I'll let him explain it to you when he gets here." I told her, my eyes not removing from the text written in my charms book. I could feel her frustration radiating around. "People are staring at us, El. You wouldn't want anyone to get the impression that we're sneaking behind loverboys back would you?"

"I—What do you mean when he gets here?" she inquired, but I chose to ignore her. I didn't have the heart to tell her that I was lying just to get her to speak to me. Sure, my brother was in fact alive, but he wasn't coming here. Our father wouldn't allow it.

"Why are you here, Grant? To study magic, or to taunt me? I don't want you. I'm with Draco. How many times do I need to tell you?"


He paused, and finally turned up to look at me with a smirk across his smug face. Oh how I wanted to slap him more than ever. "I know you're with him, but what I do want to know is how well do you even know him?"

"What? What does that—" I perplexed. "I know him well enough to know he's not a piece of shit like you. That he wouldn't hurt me like you have."

Grant scoffed at my words. Maybe he knows something that I don't know, and a part of me really wanted to hear him out, but I can't trust him. He opened his mouth to speak, but closed quickly when he saw Theo approaching the two of us.

"Everything alright over here?" My brother asked panning his eyes between both of us, but mostly lingering on me to assure that I was in fact okay. Grant grinned at Theos question before turning to me.

"I'll catch you around, El." He winked before making a dramatic exit.

One thing I can't deny about the boy was he knew how to make an exit. All of the girls in the courtyard were drooling over him and the way he slung his jacket over his shoulder and walked away.

"What was all of that about?" Theo interrogated me. I shrugged my shoulders and rolled my eyes.

"Nothing. Just Grant being Grant."

"Care to explain to me how you know him exactly?" He asked. I let out a sigh as my face fell to the floor.

"Can you keep a secret?" He nods and we went to my room where I knew we wouldn't have to worry about any interruptions aside from Astoria, but she never comes to our dorm anyways.

I needed to tell someone. I needed to tell Draco. It was time.


"So you and Oliver used to fool around?" My Theo asked.

"I mean, yes and no. We never had sex. I was a virgin until Draco, but did other stuff—please don't tell Draco. He needs to hear it from me." I begged.

Theo sighed and looked to the floor with his hands rested on his face. He removed them and looked back up at me. "You're asking a lot of me, Laurel. I mean—"

"I kept your secret about Astoria from Daphne." I reminded him. I didn't want to guilt him into keeping this from Draco, but it was something he needed to hear from me. I just wasn't ready to tell him.

"Yeah, and you saw how well that turned out. You and her aren't friends anymore, and the longer you hide it from him, the worse it'll be. I promise that I won't say anything only if you tell him tonight."

"I'm scared to, Theo. You saw first hand how he reacted when Grant mentioned me to him. Imagine what he'll do if he knows there is more of a backstory."

"This is why you need to tell—"


Theo gave a puzzled look, and I shrugged my shoulders. Theo stood up and walked to the door and there stood a sweaty Draco. "Oh, it's just you. I heard a guys voice and thought—"

"Really?" I interrupt with an eye roll. Of course he doesn't fucking trust me. "Theo, could you give us the room?" Draco asked. Theo nodded and offered me a half smile which said "good luck", and exited my room.

"So there's something weighing heavy on my mind, and I really need to get it off of my chest." He began.

I nod. "Me too."

"Will you be my girlfriend—"

"Grant and I used to hookup—"

We both said at the same time, then froze.

"Wait, what?" I furrowed my brows at him.

"No." His face hardened. "Do continue with what you were saying, because I'm pretty sure you were about to tell me how you lied to me...again." He gestured for me to continue speaking. "I thought we were fucking past the lies, Laurel."

"Draco, I—You don't understand.."

"You're right, and I probably never will." He sighed. "This," he gestured between the two of us. "this was a mistake. We're not meant to be. You don't trust me to tell me about your ex and I clearly can't trust you."

I felt my eyes begin to water, fighting back the tears. "You don't mean that. Please Draco, let me explain." He turned to leave and slammed the door as he made his exit. I opened the door and called for him, but he ignored me and continued walking.

I ran after him, catching up grabbing his arm. "Draco, please lets talk about this. You aren't even listening to the whole story." I pleaded, wishing he'd let me finish what I was saying. "You're jumping to conclusions. It's not what you think."

"Get off of me for fucks you disgusting troll. You're worse than Parkinson." He shook me off of him causing me to fall to the floor. "I regret every second I'd ever spent with you."

"Woah, woah, woah there." Blaise rushes over to aid me. "Malfoy, not cool mate." He says but Draco didn't care. He was cold. He rolled his eyes and continued to his original destination.

"Are you alright?" Blaise asks me. I wiped the tears falling from my face and quickly stood up.

"No." I responded before fleeing towards my room.


I was hurt. Mortified. How could she lie to me? I mean, it's one thing to have had sexual partners before me, but the fact that she lied about being a virgin when she met me really pissed me off. I'm disgusted at the fact that I was shacking up with Oliver's sloppy seconds.

I'm a bloody fool.

A fool who's so in love with her, but now can never admit it.

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