Diminishing Features.

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"Are you ready?" Draco asked. I nodded. He extended his hand to me which I accepted and we walked down the stairs where we met Theo and Narcissa.

Narcissa apparated the three of us to Kings Cross. Draco kicked Harper out the moment we got back together. She was not happy in the least. At first he tried to soften the blow by saying Narcissa wanted to spend time with her only her family but then when she didn't accept that, he told her things that will probably have her second guessing every decision she's ever made in life.

The four of us ran through the wall that brought us back to the familiar platform. Students along with their parents filled the platform, bidding their goodbyes to one another as they wouldn't see each other until spring break.

Narcissa gave Draco and Theo a hug before turning to me to give me one. She held me close. This woman has successfully fulfilled the role of a mother for me, and even though Gwen Jennings is the woman who raised me and I'll love her dearly, I can't help but cherish my time with Narcissa far more.

The only thing that would make this life more perfect is if I had the privilege of reuniting with biological mother. It's a treat I believe both Theo and I deserve greatly. Unfortunately, it'll never happen.

"I know that these past two days have been quite a nightmare for you, but I want you to know that I am here for you. I just wish you would have come to me sooner. I could have helped. I'm far powerful than I lead on." She semi-lectured. Narcissa means well. I too wished I had come to her, but I couldn't even go to my own brother about it. How was I going to tell her?

She pulled back with her arms still locked onto mine, and examined my face. "I think we did a pretty good job at covering that mess up. Do you remember exactly how we did it?" She asked. I nodded. I never claimed to be talented when it came to doing make-up, but Narcissa has shown me a few tricks to cover up the bruises. "Don't be afraid to write." She spoke to our trio before giving her son one final hug goodbye.

Instead of sitting in the usual cabin that we usually sat in, I asked Draco if we could sit in one of the closed compartments. I didn't feel like socializing with anyone, and I knew that once I was spotted with Draco's arm around my waist to keep us close, everyone would have questions and make remarks. I just wasn't in the mood to defend myself today.

Theo closed the sliding door behind him as he joined us and occupied the long seat to himself. "I'm taking a nap. Wake me up when we get there." He told us before covering his face to shield his eyes from the sunlight, and lights. "And don't get any ideas either, Malfoy. If I wake up to see you pounding into my sister, I won't hesitate to pound my first into your face." He threatened, causing Draco and I both to chuckle.

The train ride was going rather quickly to say the least. Draco and I laid together on the bench opposite of Theo who was still sound asleep. He was fidgeting with the ring on his finger.

I could tell that something was bugging him, but I didn't know what. I hoped he wasn't second guessing everything between us already. "Is everything okay?" I asked my blonde boyfriend. That was a term I didn't need to adjust to. I've always seen him as that, I just was never able to say it.

He didn't initially respond to me, instead turned to look at me. There was a glint in his eyes that said something. A language only the two of us knew. A devilish grin appeared upon his face. I stood up and took his hand and we quickly fled towards the nearest bathroom.

With a flick of his wand the room was now locked and silenced. He attacked my lips with his own while resting his hands onto my waist. I wrapped my arms behind his neck, interlocking my hands with each other. His slid underneath me where he lifted me up onto the sink. I removed my hands from behind him and traced them along the waistband of his pants, slowly dipping them inside to grasp his erect length.

I felt a smile creep on his lips when I gave it a soft tug, stroking it from the inside of his boxers. "Take these off." I muttered against his lips. He obliged, tugging them down, spreading my legs enough to where he could position himself between me. He traced his fingers against the green lace that separated them from what he desired before pulling them to the side.

He dipped a finger inside of me to assure I was wet enough for him, which I was before we even got in here. He pulled it out of me just to shove himself into me without warning causing me to let out a loud whimper. "Fuck." I wasn't expecting that much force, yet I wasn't complaining.

It didn't take long for me to adjust to his size as we spent all night fucking. I ruffled my hands through his hair while he caressed my neck with his lips and tongue, leaving marks, claiming what was his. "Fuck, Draco." I moaned as his thrusts continued, feeling his tip hit the back of my walls. "Don't stop." I begged. He picked up his pace before his rapid thrusts suddenly became more sloppy.

"I fucking love you." He moaned against my neck. The vibrations sent a signal to my body, causing me to reach my climax.

We finished dressing, when he placed a kiss on my forehead. "I'll go first. Wait two minutes." He said. I nodded and he exited. I walked over to the sink to wash my hands when I looked up and saw my reflection.

The make up Narcissa had applied to my marks had faded. Probably from Draco's kisses. I realized I didn't have my wand, or bag with me, so I couldn't fix what was ruined.

When about two minutes had passed, I opened the door, and looked both ways to see if anyone was near. I didn't want anyone to see, so I'll just hurry and just hope no one sees me.

"What were you doing in there?"

Chills ran up and down my spin. The fun was over. I feared to turn around, but found myself doing it anyways. He reached a hand towards me, causing me to flinch, but he proceeded to reach forwards anyways, grazing his thumb on one of the bruises on my chin. "I—Is that from me?" He asked as if he was completely clueless. I slowly, hesitantly nodded.

"Laurel, I'm so sorry." He says.

"It's fine. Can I go?" I asked. I quickly realized how toxic Tommy truly was. We weren't together, and I still found myself asking for his permission. He slowly nodded and turned away. Maybe he was sorry.

Maybe Theo knocked some sense into him. I guess I'll never know since I plan not to speak to him again to find out.

I entered the compartment, fear written across my face. Draco noticed and quickly hopped up to my side. "What happened?" He was worried.

I shook my head. "It's nothing, I'm fine. Can you cast the vanishing charm on me? The makeup faded away no thanks to you." I give him a playful push. He gave me a half smile, not fully convinced. He flicked his wand and the bruises on my face began to diminish before his eyes. "Better?" I asked.

"Yes. For now."

"Will you two shut up? I'm trying to sleep." Theo groaned, earning laughter from us.

Theo had been different since I returned to the manor. I believe it has something to do with the mark burned into his arm. Draco hadn't seemed different, but then again his since summer. He had time to control his moods.

Nonetheless, I was worried about my brother, and what this mark was doing to him.

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