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Hey, guys/girl sorry this isn't another chapter but it is just as important for various things. One of them being that I made a side story/sequel of this story called' Trenderman little Star"( https://www.wattpad.com/story/252642031-trenderman-little-star ) which is about the life of Trender and Lil Rikku. I have also been writing and update some of my other stories one being "Toshinori Yagi and reader" story ( https://www.wattpad.com/myworks/250383838-toshironi-yagi-almight-x-reader ) and two more of the teen wolf ( https://www.wattpad.com/story/168204033-derek-hale%27s-past-comes-to-life-and-the-future,https://www.wattpad.com/story/169803801-the-fiancee)I have been getting request to up date my  story of leonard snar (https://www.wattpad.com/story/131712247-a-life-without-leonard-snart) saddly  i have lost almost all inspiration to write this story and would like to focus more on my other one. How every I am willing to give it a try if with all you're help I can at least 10 stars more on each of the other stories , 40 reads and some comments if it possible. i want to thank you all for reading my slenderman story and fro your you're time and love and comments, thank you all. happy holidays and may the slender be in your favor(  i know it was bad) lol

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