Chapter 5

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Trender pov

“Sooooo...... What’ her name?" I ask, sure it was girl.

Slendy looks at me in surprise from my question. “...H-How did you know that?!”

"Well that’s actually pretty easy. I mean, I'm surprised no one else has noticed. First you left without sending anyone to kill, second you asked E.J. for a favor when you would usually order them to do so, third you have been spacing out, fourth you actually changed your shirt and tie. It’s still way out of date but you changed them, and last you smell like lilies with rosemary, and you hate flowers. Also, you have been blushing since yesterday and you’re playing with your hand and look about ready to kill me. You, my dear brother, are in love,"  He grins as the information and shock sinks into his brother.

Slender rises from his chair in anger and shouts, “I AM NOT....IN LOVE WITH A HUMAN GIRL!"

“I never said it was a human girl," I smirk in amusement, catching my brother off guard so he sinks back down into his seat embarrassed and mumbling.

"I......I don't know what to do Trender....., I'm not sure if I like this human or not. Do you know who this girl’s father is? It's the hunter that kept us in prison and drained our blood. Apparently, he uses it to keep them alive and young, and if they miss a dose they can die. She almost died yesterday because I drank her dose and what did the Master of Monster killers do for the human?! I gave her my blood, true she doesn't remember it or know about the fact that sh drinks it, I don't even think she knows how old she is or what year we are in for that matter! I went there to kill what he loved most, I didn't think I would end up loving it too,” He cries, covering his face with his hand, frustrated and needing air again.

“What do I do Trender? I always have the answer, I always know what to do, but right now I'm so confused. I feel lost but found when I'm next to her true. I’ve only seen her twice but that's what I feel. What is wrong with me?!"

Trender gets up and goes to Slendy and pat him on the back.

"Nothing is wrong with you brother, we may not be humans but we still have hearts and can love. I should know. It hurts and it's one of the most scary things you will ever go through, but it will also give you strength and make you different. If you’re not sure of what you feel, why not meet her again? Just please don't wear the suit. Even if you looked human I bet they will know just because of that!,” He points to the suit. “So how about we get you ready for your date and maybe you'll clear your head a bit and work better here,deal?"

Slendy sighs but nods in agreement. “Very well, I agree....but nothing too fashionable. I'm supposed to be a young Hunter, not a supermodel when I'm in there, got it?”

“Yeah, yeah, I got it. Now let make you look fabulous!!” Trender cries in excitement.

“Trender!” Slender growls in warning.

Y/n pov

I finish drinking my medicine and decide to hide them in my old doll case where I keep a doll hidden that papa doesn’t like. They used to be my baby sister’s toys but I still have them. One was named Rikku and the other is Broken Samurai. I know weird name, but I was little when I named them for her. I hide them under the floor beneath my bed and I heard someone knocking on my door.

"Yes?" I asked as I finished cleaning everything and sit in my bed. The door opens and reveals papa there.

“Y/n, I'm sorry for how I acted before I just wanted you to know about that monster. W can't trust them, they have done so many..... Never mind, I’ll tell you another time. Anyway, I brought you some dark chocolate I hope it still works. We may be running low on the medicine but we figured that at least two spoonfuls a day should keep us all alive and well," He said as he hands her the box, seeming a bit nervous.

“What is it papa? Is there something wrong?” I asks when he seems to have a worried look.

"Umm, no, not really. It's just that yesterday scared me and made me realize I need to work to be a better father. So, I made arrangements for you to walk around the camp out side the fortress. You can walk around the woods but you have to stay close to us and always carry the dagger I gave you, and a whistle. Can you promise me that?”

I jump up in excitement and run to give him a big hug.

“Teally? I can? Thank you papa, thank you so much!!" I smiled as I hug him.

That made him sigh happily as he hugs me back and pats me on the head. “Yes sweetie I mean it, you just have to be by the gate before the sun starts to set, not a moment after got it?"

I noded quickly, “Yes I promise papa!!”

“Okay then, I have work to finish and you should eat the rest of your meal and rest, okay. I'll see you tomorrow.” He waves bye and I close my door before squealing happily.

"Yay!! I finally get to go outside! I finally get to see some trees, the sky, the sun! I wonder if I’ll get to see some animals or bugs? Or maybe even Mister Slenderman? Hear that Slendy? I get to go out to your forest! I hope we can meet tomorrow too,” She giggles, going to her closet to search for what to wear with an excited smiled.

At the same time Trender is making Slendy try on different class of clothes, suddenly hearing the females word.

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