chapter 13

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The sound of metal against metal and heavy grunts from the two men fill the air as they fight in the square. The fire in the area only grows taller, the flames licking at the sky as the village's fire system kicks in. Water sprays down inside buildings and sprinklers go off, hoping to quench the flames before they became too much. Screams and shouts echo through the area as people search for their loved ones, hoping and praying they had gotten out safe and avoided the raging fires.

"I should have known something was odd about you. I have lived here my entire life and I have never seen another village around here. You little son of lied to me!" Father yells, trying to stab at Jeff.

Jeff laughs maniacally as he stabs at the father, a dark look in his eyes. He had a great grudge over the human race after they cast him out from society. In his mind all of the humans should perish! He supposed he had Y/N's father to thank for getting rid of Slenderman, so he would me his death a little less painful.

Meanwhile, Y/N's father hissed in pain as he struggled to pry the killer off of him. To think that the other Creepypastas would dare to attack him! Jeff the Killer was definitely a force he didn't want to meddle with, as he was notorious for his killings. He struggled more as he tried kicking the murderer off of him.

"Your kind is nothing bu trouble. Killing our family and friends, you're nothing but monsters!" Y/N's dad snarls out.

"Yours isn't any better old man! Your kind hunts if down for being different! For having flaws and not looking or acting like what you deem as normal! You're nothing but a useless old man that can't even get close enjoins to Slenderman to kill him, yet your kid did and will get killed for it. Once I'm done with you she's next. Although, I must thank you for locking Slenderman up for me now I can be king of the pastas with Slender out of the way!" Jeff laughs.

"Not if I have anything to say about it," A commanding voice echoing through the area.

Slender places me on the floor so I was standing next to him and Offender, filled with anger as he walks up to Jeff.

"Bo..boss? You're.. You're alive?" Jeff questions, the fear evident in his voice. "I m-mean, hey boss! How are you doing?"

Jeff grips his knife in hand as he prepares to lunge and stab Slender, yelling and struggling when he's suddenly tied up with white tendrils. Offender holds tight to Jeff after wrestling the knife out of his hand, holding him still as Slender walks forward with Y/N's hand in his own.

"What shall we do with him, Slender? Are you still thinking about what to do with him? I say we end his pathetic little existence. It's the least he deserves," Offender growls out.

"No! No more killing! Please Slendy, no more blood shed!" Y/N pleads as she's pulls on Slender's arm, her entire body trembling.

Slender sighs softly and rests a gentle hand on her cheek, gently stroking her flesh with his thumb.

"Very well," he sighs softly. "I won't kill him....for now at least. We don't have much time, let's hurry, we have somewhere to be," Slendy tells Y/N.

Y/N bods as her father gets up and looks at them confused, anger building as he clenches his knife and lunges at Y/N.

"You deserve death!" Her father snarls as he struggles against the tendrils holding him back. "I'll kill all of you!"

"Papa, wait! Please! Mother is going to wake up soon and she wants to see us all, please listen!" Y/N pleads with him.

"Your mother? Your mother is dead because of him! He killed her! Did you forget everything I've told you? You're naive for trusting his word. There is no bringing your mother back!" Y/N's father yells back.

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