chapter 7

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“Would it be okay if I put it on you?” She asks, her eyes shining in excitement.

I star into her eyes for a few moments, unable to say no to that adorable look as I lower my head within her reach so she could put the flower crown on my head. I return my gaze to hers once I fell the crown adjusted into place.

 “Now we have matching crowns!” She smiles, doing a little dance in place before going and sitting next to her bag. 

“I see you like the lilies. Are they your favorite flower?" I ask her.

“Yes they are my favorite. Then comes sunflowers and white roses are in third place. Papa says those where my mother’s and lil’ sister’s favorite flowers,” She explains, her smile turning into a sad frown at the memory. “It’s getting harder and harder to remember much about them. 

Seeing her sad makes me want to do something to make it up to her. Something to bring that smile back to her face, so o decide to show her something that only I knew about. Not even my brothers had any idea the place existed.

“Would you like to see something out of this world? Something no other creature except for myself has ever seen?” I ask, earning a confused look from her. 

 “Something out of this world?” She questions with an adorable head tilt. 

 “Yes, and youll be the only other creature to  have seen it. I haven’t let anyone else ever step foot inside of it, let alone even see it. It is my most favorite place in the wolrd and where I like to escape from the masion from time to time.” I explain. 

Her eyes light up in excitement and she quickly nods her head yes. She scrambled to her feet and slings her bag over her shoulder before coming to grasp my hand in hers.

“Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go! I wannA see it. What’s it like? is it far? What does it have? Wait.. it’s not something weird right? ‘Cus if it is, I wanna go home,” She declares, puffing her cheeks out in a pout and crossing her arms. 

"...What? No, no. I promise you'll like it and we’re actually not that far away from it. Close your eyes for a second, Okay?” I tell her gently.

She does as asked and closes her eyes for me. I bite my finger hard enough to draw blood and carefully place a few drops on each of her eyes before wiping it away. Now she would be able to see what was once hidden and what only I had the ability to see. 

“Okay, now you may open them. Do you see the silver line on the glass and the trees? That is the path we will be taking to get there.” I explain to her. 

“I see it but it wasn’t there before. How can i see it now?" She asks as her gaze wanders along the silver line. 

“That is because of a little trick I had up my sleeve and now you are the only other creature besides myself who can see it. You will also have the ability to find it so whenever you feel lonely, or just want to be alone no matter what, you will always be able to find it.” I assure her gently. 

“Okay, I promise this will be our secret hide out,” She says with a smile and blushed cheeks. 

I take her hand in my own and begin leading her towards the line. “Ummmm, ye.. yes, I suppose that is what it will be. Also, if we continue we should be there soon.”

Y/N was blushing as I held her hand on the way to the place, after some time coming upon a clearing that was as dead as dead could be. Trees stood tall and barren, the grass was crunchy and dry, and crows stood upon dead animal carcasses as they called to one another. Y/N steps back in fear, and I hold her hand reassuringly to ensure she didn’t run away. 

“ this really the place? It looks scary," She says nervously, fear evident in her gaze. 

 “This is almost the place. In case someone somehow manages to stumble upon the area this is a cover to mislead and scare them off. If you can be brave it for me then we shall go through it together and come to the real place I wish to show you. Are you ready?” I ask, lifting her bridal style and waiting for her answer. 

Once I receive a nod from her I begin walking with Y/N in my arms, a grey door appearing before the two of us that I walk through, bright light flashing and causing Y/N to shield her eyes from the light. After a few seconds of silence the sound of birds chirping, water rushing, and the smell of fresh flowers and fruit hit her senses all at once. 

“You my open your eyes, Y/N. Welcome to my favorite place,” I call gently, humming in soft delight to the excited look that comes across her features.

“It’s like a world inside a fairy tale!” Y/N cries, her eyes wide in awe at the place. 

I carefully set Y/N on the ground and only release her once I’m sure her feet are planted firmly, watching her as she wanders the little wonder land. She seemed to glow in happiness as she wanders through the small field of flowers, the ground awash in different colors from flowers of many different sizes. Y/N’s eyes light up when she spots a bunny and a deer grazing, pointing to them in excitement as her gaze meets my own. 

“Look! Slendy look at the animals! Can we go pet them?! Pretty please?” She asks, her cheeks painted in pink from all of her excitement.

“Would you like for them to come to you?" I ask, chuckling to how wide her eyes grow from my question.

 “You can do that? Yes please!!!" She cries, jumping up and down in her excitement. 

With my powers I guide the animals to Y/N, the simplest things making her smile and beyond happy. I watch her close as she gently lets the deer and bunny, allowing the animals to wander off once she’s had her fill, but then surprising me when she begins rustling through her bag and sets out lunch for the two of us. It was surprisingly simple; some sandwiches that she made and fresh fruit picked from the trees made up out meal. I allow myself to morph from my humanoid form into my regular one and take a seat on the grass beside her, enjoying the peace and warmth she brought to me. We were enjoying ourselves so much the day seemed to fly by, Y/N suddenly panicking when she sees the sun beginning to set. 

“The sun!! Oh no, Papa is going to be really angry if I'm not home within the next minute!” She cries, her panicked face worrying me as my heart seems to ache at the thought of her leaving.  

“I'll take you there so you won be late, " I assure her, her features suddenly growing uneasy. 

“What happens if someone sees you? We can’t take the risk,” She explains, her concern for me warming my heart with joy. 

“Do not worry my dear. I will be in disguise so no need to fret, now quickly get up so we can go,” I tell her, shifting into my humanoid form and wrapping her in my arms before teleporting her close to the gate near her home. “There, now you are safe and sound and within a moments wall to the gate. Watch your footing and be careful walking to it.”

“Okay Slendy, I’ll be careful,” She smiles, wrapping her arms around me in a hug. “See you tomorrow!” 

I watch her run safely back to the gate and into my home, a content sigh of happiness leaving me from today’s events. I can’t remember the last time I felt so happy. 

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