chapter 4

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You, you just, just looking at you calms my anger and relaxes me, and I want to keep you safe from all harm for some reason.... I’m sorry but I can’t really explain why,” I tell her as I cup her right check and cherish how soft it was. 

She didn't seem to mind after a few seconds, feeling her jolt at first and then calm down. She gently leans into my touch with pink cheeks and a gentle smile, her eyes closed as she savors the warmth of my hand. It felt as if time had stopped as I enjoy this small moment of peace....Enjoy? Wait I really enjoyed this? This human.....this tiny female human who has been drinking our blood for who knows how long without knowing made me feel calm and enjoy these two times that we had met. Before I could say anything I notice she had opened her eyes.

"I feel safe with you too"  She says with a Derry smile, catching me completely off guard as I step back for a moment. 

Many thoughts were now circling around in my head, only snapping out of it when I sense someone coming. 

“You shouldn't feel safe with anyone of my kind child.......Especially not me. Now, go hide. Someone is coming," I tell her, her features suddenly turning sad as her (e/c) eyes begin to tear up. 

“You’r leaving already? But...... but you just got here!" She cries.

“Until next time child,” I sigh, ignoring the small pain in my chest before I vanish before her eyes.

Your Pov

I wanted to cry. Both papa and Slendy have changed the way I view the world; Papa who I always saw as a hero and someone who wouldn't hurt anyone came to actually be a hunter, and Slendy was actually a real life killer. After he leaves I quickly flee to my room, hiding the medicine Sendy gave me. As I’m locking it up I stop and freeze for a moment.

“When and where did Slendy get the medicine? How did he even know what kind of medicine I take?” I mumble to myself in confusion. 

All these questions lead to a rise in my anxiety and cause my head to hurt, deciding now was as good a time as any to go ahead and take my medicine. I head down to the kitchen and get something to eat along with grape juice mixed with the medicine.

" It tastes the same......” I mumble softly to myself. “So it has to  be the same medicine right?”

 After I finish eating and downing my drink I feet better, sleepy but better. I start to doze in my chair and decide to go take a small nap, sweating I could hear Slendy and some other voices talking to him......

Slender’s Pov

”Hey, Slenderman where did you go? You didn’t give us a target so we got worries,” Masky says, my proxies and some of the pastas looking curiously at me. 

“I needed some air,” I growl, expecting that to be the last of it.

You needed air?! What the f*** Slender, you never need air!” Jeff snarls in disbelief. 

I was just going to ignore his little out burst but with all the thoughts swirling through my head I release a Tendril and slam Jeff against the wall, taking my frustrations out on him.

" DONT. YOU. EVER. QUESTION. WHAT. I. SAY!!" I bark, ripping my mouth open and baring my fangs in threat as my hands turn to claws. With that threat I drop Jeff and teleport to my room, locking the door to keep everyone out. 

"What the h** is happing to me!?" I snarl, destroying nearly everything in my room. 

Trender’s Pov

As I watch the scene before me I recognize what was happening to my brother Slendy.

 "Oh dear.....Poor brother of mine,” I mumble, waiting for him to calm down and then going to knock on his door. “Slender? It’s Trender. May I come in?”

 “Go away, Trender. Not now! Please!" He snarls back, still slightly on edge and in the brink of losing control. 

I let go of a soft sigh and knock on the door again. “Slendy let me in, I know what’s happening to you and I think I can help."  

He didn't reply as I wait for what seems to be hours for him to unlock the door, going inside and gently closing it behind me. His room was a complete mess, everything either destroyed or completely torn apart. The only things left unscathed were to old sofas our mother had given him. Slenderman was sitting on one so I place myself on the other, relieved to see that he was finally calming down a bit more.

"Sooooo...... What’ her name?" I asked, sure it was girl.

Slendy looks at me in surprise from my question. “H...H-How did you know that?!” 

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