special 1

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3 months later.

The pasta and the villages we are almost done repairing the village and the village had now extended and the pasta mansion had movie next to the village mansion. little kids and the younger pasta could be heard running around playing and giggling as they go to the new square, with new playgrounds, and now that the village had a small forest the kids were having a lot of fun. Meanwhile, the enderman and the Argent finally living with harmony or at least starting to/

"come on come on let's hurry the picnic is going to start soon when we are still not even fisnish getting ready," said a cherful Nadia how was just finished placing a bow on the top of her sister's head and she was now holding her and waiting for her parents to get ready.

"yes, yes, I know we are going, come to one Chris we are going to to be late" mother said happily as she walks out of the room/

" I'm coming I'm coming I don't know why your rushing the enderman or always late anyway gee"

father said as he gets his jackets and walks down the hall that leads to the main square where it unites both mansion front to front.

the people and pastas were all happy and talking as they set different tables filled with food and drinks as the Argents go to the square everyone cheers and greet them as they show them the way to the main tablet with was still empty/

sigh, I was being ruShed to come here and they're not here yet: "said father... "BOOO! hello, sisters inlaw!!!" said splendor as he hugs them all, 

giggles could be heard from the girls as Chris just sigh, " come one splendor, let them go they must be hungry and were already late. " said offender he stood behind him well dress and behaving the best he can. by then splendor lets them go and got to say hi to the baby Rikku, 

"hi little princess sister-in-law!" he says very happy  and makes her giggles and claps her hands happy, meanwhile, trender was there a bit anoyned and a bit jealous and he sees splendor holding the baby and making her happy, 

"tsk.. " then he felt someone tap on his should and looks back, " calm down brother he just wanted to make her smiled, you know how he is" slender told him and he noded and calms down and walks up to them, " hello, father and mother how are you doing?" slender said politely and kisses mother hand and so does trender.

"father and mother?" asked chris, but Aerith just smiled and blushed as she noded and " where are fine  thank you for asking shall we start the party?" they all noded as the took their sit in this order,  offender, trender, slenderman, reader chan, father mother, sister and splendor

After eveyone was seated both familis gave a speach then the autum festival started with  everyone eating and having fun (pasta eating human food while they are in front of other human but will also eat humans organs just not the villages but any outsider that goes into t he forest and could compramise the village and the pasta} sitting arragenment 

the party started as laughter was heard everywhere. humans and pasta were getting alone and kids were playing together. Splendor soon joined the kids playing with them showing them magic trick and games , while offender talked with the musician so they can play some songs for the crowds as one of the songs they played was  reader-chans parents sogn . Chris asked Aerith to dance and she aggred giving baby Rikku to trender as he also goes and takes lil rikku for a dance too. Reader-chan face was glowing with happines seeing how everyone else was happy too, what she didn't know is the slender was also watching someone be happy.  he coiuldnt take he "eyes" off of readers chan as he enjoyed how watching her enjoying the happines of the moment a he then gets up and extender his hand to her. " care for a dance my love," he ask with a "grins?" as she see her looks at him confused face then turned into a shy blushed as she nodede ans takes his hand, both of them walking down to the floor as she started to dance with the otherreader chan was laughing at smiling at the scenery right in front of her. 

the day was slowly starting to come to an end as the town light started to turn on and most of the parents were taking they childrens back home for them to rest and so did some pasta as they need some rest or to get ready for a hunt. soon offender also leaves and splendor also does his thing. Meanwhile, chirs and aerith were still laughing as he held her close in a hug and smiles and started to walk up to the house meanwhile trender still had rikku in his arms as she started to yarns and fall asleep

" i see you starting to get sleeping my lil start, lets get you home so you can rest. Mother may i please take her to her room?" aertih nodded as he hold her closed and teleported to the lil girl room placing her in her cribs as he sets next to her and watches her sleep with a smiled  . " ill wait for your star.  ill all ways be here. always by your side. Im here" he said as he started to fall asleep in the chair as she grabs his hands and hugging it in her sleep

means while reader chan and slender where still dancing to the music that was no longer there 


 "slendy the music stop a while ago, why are  we still dancing?" she asked between giggles as he just held her closer , "  i know love , its just that when im with you, youre smiled is all the music i need " (i know its was bad lol) this caused you to blushed and hide your face from him.  He smiled as he stopped the dance which made you look up and he used his moment to steal a kiss from you and caused you to blushed madly. "SLENDY!!!" I yelled embarrassed as he just smiled and held me closer. " I'm so happy right now my love, I can't imagine how my life would have been if we had never met. I can only hope our future is as bright as it is right now" 

"me too, slendy , me too"

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