chapter 11

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My eyes feel heavy and my body felt cold, a shiver coursing through me as I wonder if I had left my window open.

"Love?" Someone calls out, earning a soft whine leave my lips as I had no desire to wake up. "Love, wake up!"

"Love?" I mumble sleepily before my eyes shoot open as I scramble to sit up, realizing I was in a cold cell.

"Slendy? Slendy where are you?!" I cry out in panic.

"I'm here love," His voice calls out to me once again, scrambling off my bunk and to the front of my cell.

"Slendy!" I cry out. "What happened? Where are we?! ......papa! Where's papa?!"

"Shhh love, we don't want to make too much.....," Slenderman trails off, their attention being brought to the opening and closing of a door.

We both watch as my father comes to stand in the middle of the hallway, not looking at either one of us as he stops in place.

"Papa! Papa. Please let us out. Please listen to," Y/N starts to cry.

"SILENCE! I WILL NOT LISTEN TO A TRAITOR!" He snarls out, Y/N backing away from the bars in fear.

"Leave her alone!" Slender snarls, jerking against his chains.

"You have no right to talk you monster! You're the cause of all of this! If it wasn't for you my wife would be alive, our baby would be alive, and if that wasn't enough my only living daughter wouldn't be brainwashed! Don't you worry though, I won't let you die like they did. You'll be a very useful tool for me," My father growls out.

"Sir! We're being attacked!" One of the men shouts, running into the prison in panic.

"WHAT? THAT IMPOSIBLE BY WHO?!" Father snarls.

"I'm not sure sir. They....they don't seem to be humans. They seem to be...." The man trails off, searching for his words.

"The creepypasta. Don't worry, I'm ready for them," Father growls out before looking back at Slender. Get him ready for the blood transfusion and this time leave him barely breathing. If he dies it's not a big deal. His brothers will give us all the blood we need once we capture them.

"Yes sir!" The man says before running out of the cellar.

"As for you my child, maybe some years in here will do you some good. No need to worry, you'll still be getting your meds to keep you alive. After all, we just got the main ingredient for it didn't we Mr. Slenderman?" Father growls before leaving the room.

"What does he mean Slendy?" I ask, desperate to make sense of his words.

"'s something I didn't want you to know love. The medicine you've been taking, it's my blood," Slender's explains gently.

"Wha....what? Your blood? Wait, you and papa have been feeding me your blood?! Why didn't you tell me?! Oh god I think I'm going to be sick," I gasp, swaying in my spot. "I don't feel so well."

"Love? Love! Please breathe!" Slender cries when I begin coughing and gasping for breath. "Love when was the last time you had your meds? You need to breathe!"

"I.....I think it was four days ago?" I tell him before everything goes pitch black.

"LOVE?! LOVE!!" Slender cries, jerking against his chains as he tries to get closer to Y/N. "Love please wake up! Please! SOMEONE HELP! PLEASE, ANYONE HELP!"

~~Jeff's Group~~

"Okay, everybody have the plan? We can't waste another minute. We get Slender back and fight anyone who gets in our way," Jeff explains.

"Why do we need to use the front door? Dang, Ben or someone else with teleporting powers go in and get Slender?" E.J. questions one confusion.

"Because if Slender hasn't gotten out yet what makes you think any of us can actually get in there?" Jeff points out with a shake of his head. "Nevermind, let's just get this over with."

"I suppose you have a point," E.J. mumbles, everyone changing into their human forms and following Jeff to the gate.

"Hey, I saw the signal. Did the boy really go through here?" Jeff calls out.

"You're the guard of the other village boy aren't you?" The guard calls back.

"Yes I am. Were you able to find him? Is he here?" Jeff questions.

"Look kid, I think it's best you talk to the boss about all of this. Come in, he's waiting. Open the gates!" He shouts out.

As soon as the gates are open the pastas drop their human forms and run into the facility, Jeff stabbing the guard that let them inside. "Search for Slenderman and kill anyone who stands in your way!"

~~Trenderman's Group~~

"What are they doing? They're going to kill all those innocent people!" Splendor cries.

"It appears so. We must hurry. Maybe if we get to Slender before they do we can stop this and save some lives, including our own. Sally, Ben, I want you two to stay here and keep watch. If you see them come out with Slender before we do let us know okay? Whatever you do don't go with the humans," Trender says quickly. "We'll use the chaos to get inside."

"I can sense him but I'm not sure where. It's like he's coming from all different directions," Splendor explains.

"Let's each go a different way and find him. Stay away from the humans and away from the other group but hurry. I can feel Slender growing weaker by the second," Trender explains.

"Who made you boss Trender?" Offender complains.

"No one, but right now we don't have the time. Let's just go," Trender explains.

"Yeah, yeah. Back to saving that idiot brother of ours," Offender complains.


"Just a little more," Slender growls, desperately freeing a tendril and reaching it out to Y/N. "Love, Love, please wake up."

She was getting colder by the second and he was terrified. With a shaky breath Slender lets out an almost animalistic scream for the entire facility to hear.

"BROTHER!" His brothers yell as they rush into the room to see Slender weak and reaching for Y/N in the other cell.

Trender and Splendor quickly move to help Slenderman while Offender guards the door. Trender easily picks the lock of the cell door and breaks the chains keeping Slender pinned to the wall.

"No...Get Y/N out of her cell. She needs our blood or she'll.." Slender gasps out as he struggles forward.

"Don't worry, I'm on it!" Splendor assures, running to the cell and getting the door open before lifting Y/N into his arms and bringing her to Slender. "She's really cold and barely breathing.

Slender nods in understanding and tears his mouth open, biting down on his tendril and filling his mouth with his blood.

"Brother what are you...?" Trender trails off in shock as Slender presses his lips to Y/N's and allows his blood to spill into her throat.

"Come on Love. Please wake up. Please," Slender begs.

____________________Greeeting my lovely readers! I hope you are enjoy this story so far. I'm just dropping by to let you know this is part one of the ending for this story, don't worry this chapter isn't the end , not yet anyway lol . But soon , so please enjoy and leave a comment and a vote on this story your opinion and ideas mean a lot to me, thanks and free  hugs!!!!

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