chapter 12

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Darkness, that's all I was seeing. My body felt heavy and I could hear so many different things happening around me, my mind trying to process everything that was happening around me. I could hear Slendy and other voices calling out to me and I felt warm and cold all around the same time but more than anything else I felt safe.

"Sweety?" A soft voice calls out.

"Sweety....?" that souunds like mom's voice. " Mom? Mom, is that really you?" I call out.

"Yes sweety, now wake up. You have to wake up. Please, stop this war. Save you father and Slenderman. Please, it's time. Tell Slendy it's time. He has to bring your father here, please listen and have them listen. Hurry, there's not much time left. We need help, please hurry. I want to see you all soon," She calls out.

"Mom, wait! Please, please don't go mom. Mom!" I cry out, suddenly being blinded by a bright light.

Slowly I peel my eyes open, something warm on my lips with the taste of iron, blinking in surprise as my vision focuses on what was around me.

"Wha...what? What's going on? Why are there so many Slendys? Why do you have blood on your face? Are you hurt? Slendy, did papa hurt you?" My voice quivers as I look over him, my eyes widening when I notice the bloody tendril on his shoulder. "You're bleeding!"

Love, calm down. I'm alright," Slender assures as I tear a piece of my dress and use it to bandage his tendril. "You're the one that needed help. You know better than to go on without drinking your meds. You could have died!"

"I-I'm sorry!" I cry, tears filling my eyes as my body trembles.

"Seriously, Slender? Your girl just woke up from almost dying and the first thing you do is start yelling at her? That is no way to speak to a lady, especially if she's going to be my sister in law," Trender scolds, earning a soft sigh from Slender.

"You're right. I'm sorry love," Slender says softly; gently pulling me into a hug.

I sniffle slightly and try to look around as Slendy holds me in his chest, snuggling closer to him when I feel the 'gases' of the other Slender's on the two of us.

"She falls in love with Slender but is afraid of the rest of us," Trender chuckles in amusement.

"Don't teases her, only I can do that," Slender growls when their laughing causes me to become embarrassed and hide in his chest. "She's shy so be friendly and on your best behavior."

"Slendy, who are they? Why do they look like you?" I ask him nervously.

"The one with the eyes and mouth along with the colorful hat and clothes is Slendorman. He is our youngest brother and is not a killer," Slender explains.

"He's also the most annoying one," Offender complains.

"Hey! That was mean!" Splendy whines in protest.

"The one with the bad attitude and defies is Offenderman. Whatever you do, don't go anywhere near him okay love? And you stay away from her you got it," Slender growls softly.

"Geez Slender. I'm here to help and you call me out like that?" Offender complains, pulling a lily from his jacket and handing it to Y/N. "A flower for a beautiful flower."

"Don't even think about it," Slender barks, shoving the flower back in Offender's chest. "Whatever you do don't accept any flowers from him."

"Why not?" Y/N asks, looking up at Slender puzzled.

"Just don't, please love," Slender explains. "The one wearing the glasses is the second oldest and the only one that knew about you. His name is Trenderman. He's the one who helped with the outfits for our....," Slender trails off with flushed cheeks.

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