chapter 10

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"We should head back love, it's getting late and we don't want your Father to get worried," Slenderman says, standing on his feet and helping Y/N up as well. "What's wrong love? Are you feeling I'll?"

"I...I don't know I want to go home but at the same time I don't. I'm so confused, Slendy," She says, hanging her head in shame.

"With what love?" He asks, a bit of worry enveloping his chest. Was she worried about their relationship perhaps?

"I'm confused with everything, Slendy. I'm confused with what you said, and what Papa said, I don't know what to believe anymore. I don't know if I feel safer home or if I'd rather stay here....Why can't you two just talk to each other ? Maybe if you tell him what you just told me he....," Y/N tries

"No," Slender says firmly, earning a surprised look from Y/N.

"No? But why? He'll listen I'm....," She tries to say

"He won't listen to me love. We'd be lucky if they even let me pass the gates without trying to capture me," He explains

"I guess your right, I'm sorry I suggested it," She says, her head lowered in shame.

Slender lets go of a soft sigh, hesitating a moment before saying something he had a feeling he was going to regret.

"But I guess we can give it a try...Maybe, if I go in my human form, it may be a bit easier to pass. The problem will be talking to your father," He thinks out loud.

"Really? You'll try? Yay!!!" She jumps and gives him a tight hug as she giggles. "Thank you, Slendy!!!"

He blushes as he hugs her back. "Anything for you love."

Hand in hand they go for a little walk before heading back to Y/N's home. Little did they know, someone was watching and planning to bring them hell.

"So, they're going to go talk to the hunter, huh? I guess that could work in our favor," Jeff mumbles, changing into his human form after hurrying to Y/N's home. "Hey! I need to talk to your boss. It's urgent!"

"Why should I? Who the heck are you anyway?" The guard growls, his gun at the ready.

"I'm from another village and I just saw a girl from your group. I have some info about her whereabouts," Jeff calls. "It's a young woman about (y/h) with (e/c) eyes and (h/c) hair," Jeff explains.

"That sounds like my daughter," Y/N's father mumbles, coming out to stand beside the guard. "What do you know about that girl?"

"It would be best if we spoke inside. I fear it will hear us as we speak," Jeff explains, feigning fear.

"Very well. You may enter," Y/N's father tells him, motioning the guard to open the gate and taking Jeff to his office. "What information do you have on my daughter that I do not know?"

"Please, Let's AIT. This isn't good news," Jeff tells him, taking a seat in one of the chairs. "We keep seeing her around the one they call Slenderman. He stalks her in his monstrous form and then we see him trick her in his human form so he can get close to her."

This info causes her father to be filled with rage and fear, the man standing and slamming his hands on the table.

"WHAT!!! WHERE IS SHE?? IM GOING TO GO AND RESCUE HER!" He snarls, grabbing his pistol from his drawer.

"Sir, wait! I just heard them talking about coming to visit you. When I heard that I hurried here as fast as I could. Why not wait here for them to come to you?" Jeff reasons with him.

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