chapter 9

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"I think papa is getting worried about where I go each day. He asked me and I panicked so I have him the name Derek. I felt guilty giving him your human name but I didn't know what else I could do. I'm sorry," Y/N says, shame washing over her.

Slender's 'gaze' grows sad when Y/N grows upset, guilt building in his chest from making her lie for his sake. He gently rests a hand on her cheek, the flesh warm as a blush comes over her.

"There is no need for you to apologize love. It's my fault that you had to lie," Slender says softly. "I do apologize for that."

"No! It's not your fault! I'm the one who did it and I don't regret it at all. I love getting to meet with you every day and you give my life a whole new meaning," Y/N assures him, her hand coming to rest over his.

Slender lets go of a soft chuckle and closes the distance between him and Y/N, his 'lips' coming to capture hers. Y/N is shocked at first but slowly her eyes close and she kisses Slender back, her hand tightening over his as her heart races with excitement. Never had something in her life felt so right.

"I have something to show you," Slender says softly once the kiss ends, his fingers lacing with Y/N's as he takes her deeper into the forest to a place where time seemed to stand still. "This woman is the only other friend I've had in my long existence. She was about to be killed in a fire that my father made but I managed to 'save' them in the best way I could."

Before them are several large white crystals, the beauty out of place in the forest that was burned down. Despite many years passing there was no new foliage growing, just blackened trees and earth as far as the eye could see. When he froze his dear friend and her newborn he seemed to freeze the large area around the forest as well.

"Th....Th-That's my mom and baby sister!" Y/N cries as she takes a step back in her shock. "You were friends with my mom?! This...this is close to my old Villa...This where mother...The monster.... "Your.... The thing that attacked us...Was..was you father? The huge monster was one of you?!"

Slender is shaken by her words but wasn't offended despite being called a monster, allowing his human form to dissipate and pulling Y/N into his chest once he's in his usual form.

"Please love, try to calm down. It hurts seeing you cry so please allow me to explain what happened alright?" Slender says softly, gently wiping her tears and placing a gentle kiss on her forehead when she nods in approval.

"It was a normal morning for me, and by normal I mean a hateful day. My father had com back after years of being gone and had ordered all of us to go with him and to become killers just for the fun of it," Slender explains.

" But aren't you already a....," Y/N trails off.

"Yes I am already a killer but I kill for survival. This was different. He wanted us to go on a rampage and kill for the fun of it. Splendorman and Trenderman aren't killers, not like Offended and me. With that being said I wasn't you too stay as far away from him should the time come when you meet him. He's nothing but a trouble maker," Slender explains with a soft growl in his voice.

"I was supposed to meet with your mom so she could introduce you and your baby sister to me, kind of like a family meeting, but father appeared before I could leave. We had a huge fight and I told him that I wasn't going to leave because I was just getting used to living here and I had a human friend that I promised I wouldn't abandon. When he heard this he went mad and he said we would pay for the dishonor we brought upon the family before disappearing. I got worried and quickly rushed to Aerith. She was running around with her newborn in her arms searching for you as the village burned around her."


"Aerith!! We have to go, my father is looking for you, quick!" I shout, grabbing her by the arm.

"No Slenddy. I have to find my family! I can't just leave my daughter!" Aerith cries.

"You're in danger!" I cry, wrapping her in my arms when my father finds us and teleporting her and her daughter to my mother's garden. "Stay here father can't enter here only I can, please stay here. I'll get your family," I tell her.

"Please hurry Slender I can't lose my baby," She cries, taking a moment to ensure she was okay but noticing the burns she had all over her. "Come here a moment.

I couldn't stand seeing my best friend hurt so I bring her to a crystal fairy flower my mother had in her garden. It would keep her safe as well as heal her wounds. I assure her I'd be back with her daughter before sealing her inside the cocoon.

I then rush back to the village and that's where I saw Y/N for the first time. She was crying while holding two dolls in a burning house. Just as I was about to take her back to her mother her father attacked me.

"You!! This is all your kinds fault!!! I already lost my wife and newborn I'm not losing my oldest daughter!" He shouts in anger angry as he attacks me again, causing me to dropped Y/N on the floor where she hits her head head.

I quickly use blood from my wounds to heal her own before darting away from your father. I wouldn't be able to make good on my promise and bring Y/N to her mother. I make my way back to my mother's garden only to find it up in flames, collapsing on my knees in front of the crystal flower as tears stream down my cheeks.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't bring your family here. I'm so sorry!" I cry as everything burns around me.

~~Flashback End~~

"It's been years and they still haven't woken up... And I don't know how to wake them up. I just knew it would keep them safe. I'm sorry," Slender sighs, gazing sadly at the crystal.

Y/n just hugs him as they quietly mourn for Aerith and her newborn together.

~~At Slender Mansion~~

"This can't be right.... Slender with a human?! He freaks if we so much as mention them," Laughing Jack sats.

"Yay!! Slendy has a girlfriend!!!". Splendor cries in excitement as he holds his niece, who smiles as well.

"So that's why he has been disappearing so often," Toby points out.

"....This is going to bring problem... We should stop him ..," Masky says.

"Why ruin his happiness?" Offenderman complains.

"My concern is the fact that she's the daughter of the man hunting us. If something happens she could decide to rat us out and get all of us captured. How are we to know her motives?" Trender mumbles softly

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