chapter 6

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It was morning, and Y/N couldn't have gotten up quicker even if she tried. She took her morning shower in record time and bolted for her closet so she could decide what to wear. It would be her first time venturing out of her home and if she stumbled across Slendy she wanted to look her best! She finally decides on a long sleeve shirt with a matching skirt and earn leggings to fight the cool air. 

Once I finish getting dressed I hurry downstairs with my backpack to eat breakfast with papa, finding himself already sitting at the table and waiting with a serious expression

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Once I finish getting dressed I hurry downstairs with my backpack to eat breakfast with papa, finding himself already sitting at the table and waiting with a serious expression.

“Papa?" I call out, relieved when I gain his attention.

“Good morning sweetheart, how are you today? Ready to go outside?" He asks with a patient smile.

“I’m nervous but very excited.” I assure him, tilting my head in confusion when one of the  hunters sets something down beside my bag. “What’s this for, Papa?

“This is special gear just in case of emergency, Y/N. Hopefully you won't need to use it but they're things you already know how to use. I added a sleeping bag, a hunting knife just in case of an attack, a compass, and a map of the area surrounding our home. You shouldn’t need it since you will be staying close to the gates but just in case I want you equipped with all necessities. Also, remember to be inside before sundown.” Papa explains. 

I give an assuring nod while I finish my breakfast, stuffing the gear into my bag so I could hurry to the woods.

“I’ll see you tonight!” I smile, giving Papa a kiss on the cheek before leaving. 

I head to the gates and wait for them to open as I shift my weight impatiently, receiving a bar bracelet just in case someone tries to impersonate me and get inside. It ensures only people belonging to my home were granted entry and nothing or no one else. I shield my eyes as the sun shines through the gates, a content sigh leaving my chest to the warmth that washes over me. Once my eyes adjust to the light I begin walking to the woods, using the library as guidance since Slender appeared there, so he must have come from that direction. 

A delighted smile comes to my lips as I enjoy the new scenery around me. Towering trees in every direction, the smell of earth and pine mingling in the air, wild animals frolicking about with no fear of death. It was all so beautiful! My eyes light up when I manage to find a small clearing with wild lilies, deciding now was as good a time as any to take a break.  

"It's so pretty out here and so calm. I wonder why doesn't Papa let me come out why didn't he let me get out until now?” I mumble to myself as I begin making a flower crown out of the lilies.

Slender’s Pov

“Trender, that is enough! You have been making me change outfits all night! You should be able to decide which one I should wear already!” I snap in anger.  

I couldn't take it anymore! There was someone in his forest and he really needed to find out who it was. Especially if there was a chance that it could be her!  

“Just give me an outfit. I need to get out right now!” I growl in frustration. 

Trender looks confused at first but realization dawns on him. He gathers together a final outfit and I change quickly before teleporting to the forest. My breath catches in my chest when I find her in my forest picking wild lilies. She’s here. She’s actually here! I watch as she carefully weaves the lilies together in a flower crown, a blush coming to my cheeks when she places it on her head with a giggle. She was so beautiful. 

I slowly make myself known and walk towards her, my heart pounding when she finally notices me. Her sweet smile almost makes my heart stop and in all honesty I believed a long time ago that I didn’t even have one.

"Mister Slenderman!" She cries as she gets to her feet and runs over to give me a hug, which I return with a small pat on her head

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"Mister Slenderman!" She cries as she gets to her feet and runs over to give me a hug, which I return with a small pat on her head.

“Hello child, how are you today? What are you doing out here...Alone? It isn't safe here you know. Does your father know you are here?" I asked worried as I scan the forest, but there was no other person besides her. 

Is this a trap? Would they be jumping out at any second? I’m pulled from those thoughts when I feel a gentle tugging on my shirt.

“Papa knows I'm here. He actually let me come out side until sunset I have to be home before that,” She explains as if it was the simplest thing in the world. “Look I made me a crown and I made one for you too, see? Do you like it?” She asks, innocently changing the topic. 

 “Yes, it is really pretty but you make it prettier," I say without thinking as I could see a light blush come over her cheeks. She takes out another crown from her hand and holds it out to me.

 “W-Would it be okay if I put it on you?” She asks with shining eyes. 

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