chapter 8

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It's been a couple of weeks since the first time Y/N got to go out of the facility and got to spend time with Slendy. Each day she would do the same routine, get up, drink her medicine, get ready, eat breakfast with her father, and fill her backpack with new stuff to share with Slender. She even packed little homemade toys for the animals that would come around them while they were in Slender’s special place. Today was a special day, it officially marked one month since she and Slenderman had first met, the two of them planning something special for the other.

She was on her way out of the base when her father stopped her. 

"Hey sweetie, where do you go to everyday at the same hours?" He asked worried and a bit angry. 

She stops in her tracks and turns towards her father, quickly thinking up a response to give him. 

"I go to visit my friend Derek he lives in the woods and his teaching me all the animals and plants that live here,” She tells him with a nervous smile as she grabs her bag. “He’s trying time grow apple trees but doesn’t have any good seeds so I’m bringing him some fresh fruits to see if maybe he can get a sapling growing that way.” 

“Okay, be careful,” Her father tells her, giving her a hug. Once she’s out of sight her father instructs one of his closest men to tail after Y/N, hoping to discover what his daughter is really doing every day.  

Meanwhile at the slender mansion Slender was getting ready to leave when Jeff was watching from afar as he followed Slender to where he was meeting. He notices that Slender is a bit nervous and changed into human form, his eyes narrowing when a human girl comes running for Slender and leaps into his arms to give him a hug. Jeff couldn’t hear what they were saying but followed closely behind as they head further into the forest, memorizing the path they take before being caught off guard when Slender and the girl suddenly disappear.

"Dang!! Where the heck did they go? And who is that human girl? Why didn’t he kill her the moment he spotted her?!" Jeff snarls to himself, quickly hiding behind a tree when he hears more footsteps.

 A human huh? He must have been following the human girl. Jeff shifts into his human form and steps out from behind the tree. 

"Hey, hey!! Excuses me, you wouldn’t have happened to see a talk boy with black hair walking around here would you?” Jeff asks the man. 

“Umm yes? I saw him with a girl of my group. Why?” The human male questions with narrowed eyes. 

"Dang you didn't see where he went? Boss is going to kill me for losing track of his kid,” Jeff lies, making himself look a little worries. 

“So you’re a bodyguard too? Guess we're both in a pickle then. I lost my boss’ daughter and I'm going to be in so much trouble if I don't find her soon. So are your people from around  here?“ The human man asks. 

”Yes I am. My family and my boss‘ family are from these woods. We’ve lived here all of our lives but we mostly stay in our area of the forest. We don’t like to venture unless we absolutely have to,” Jeff explains. 

“Yeah that makes sense. Well we should get back to work and maybe we could wait together. We don’t want our bosses getting angry at us for losing their kids now do we?” The human says with a nervous chuckles. 

”Sounds like a plan to me. So, who’s your boss? I mean, it’s not like I know everyone in the forest so I’m curious who your group is. If you don’t mind?” Jeff asks the human. 

“I completely understand. My boss’ last name is Argenti (silver). What about yours?” The human asks. 

“Oh, umm...,” Jeff trails off, searching the woods for an idea. “It’s Wolf. Our last name is Wolf, haha.”

“What's funny?” The human asks with narrowed eyes. 

“Well, your boss name is Argenti meaning silver and my boss is wolf so.....,” Jeff trail off, hoping the human got his reference. 

“Soooo?" The human questions.

“Never mind, I got to go good luck,” Jeff says with a sigh, leaving the human behind and heading back go the mansion. 

So she’s part of Argenti? Slenderman is seeing the daughter of the hunter that wants to put an end to all creepypastas. Should I tell the others or not? Jeff just wasn’t sure.   He question as he walks into the house as heard everyone fight about Slenderman where about...

"I guess  should tell me, especially if it places us all in danger"

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