Pride Month Special :)

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Have this as something to fulfill your Destiel needs while I work on a three part mini-series that I would like to get out soon!  Happy Pride Month everyone, I hope everyone is safe and happy this month and every month <3

 "Dean, what is Pride Month?" Cas asked as he sat across Dean at a diner table, looking at a poster hung up for an upcoming parade. The hunter startled at the question and stared at Cas for a moment before clearing his throat, setting down the menu he had been scanning.

"Well, every June is Pride Month, so it's a time to celebrate LGBTQ+ rights and the fight people in the past have given so that people are allowed to be themselves and love who they want to today. People do a lot of parades and events of all sorts to recognize it."

Cas thought for a moment, furrowing his brow at the blue and white tiled walls as Dean tried not to think about how much he loved the facial expression. Suddenly, Cas began speaking.

"So I should go to a Pride Parade to celebrate the month?"

Dean looked at Cas in confusion, "I mean, if you want to support the community we could--"

Cas cut Dean off, "No not just for support, because I'm gay, assuming such labels apply to cosmic entities."

Dean almost laughed at Cas referring to himself as a cosmic entity, but stopped himself, realizing the weight of the situation. Cas was coming out to him. "That's great Cas, you know Sammy and I support you no matter what. I'm sure if you had questions Charlie would be more than happy to--"

Cas cut off Dean again, staring into the Winchester's forest green eyes with his own sky blue ones, asking completely innocently, "What about you Dean? Do you want to celebrate Pride Month?"

Dean felt himself freeze up, the usual dread surrounding his sexuality filling his veins with ice. He glanced around the restaurant to make sure no one was watching before turning back to Cas. He just couldn't bring himself to lie to the angel.

Dean wrung his hands together before setting them on the table, "Well," He coughed briefly, trying to bring himself to say the words, "I've never told anyone but um, I think I'm bisexual, because while I've always been with girls, there are certain guys who feel that same way to me."

Dean tried not to let himself grow too hopeful as he watched Cas' facial expressions of hearing the news. Cas simply gave Dean a smile, "I'm glad you feel comfortable telling me Dean, I know it was probably hard for you."

At that point, Sam returned from the call he had been taking outside, "What was hard for Dean?" he asked as he slid into the booth.

Dean and Cas gave each other a look, agreeing without words that Sam deserved to know the truth. Dean cleared his throat before beginning, "Well, Cas had asked me what Pride Month was and after I explained it he asked about going to a pride parade, and, well, it turns out that Cas is gay and...I'm," Dean sighed before blurting out, "I'm bi."

Sam chuckled under his breath, "Finally, it took you two long enough. Come on, let's finish this case so I can get you guys to the pride parade."


After the case was over, Team Free Will headed back to the motel to shower and change before the parade. As he got ready, Dean could feel himself getting nervous. He had never told anyone his sexuality, much less in a large public setting. He threw on a red and blue checkered flannel with a pair of jeans, and closed the door of the bathroom to see Sam standing with a bag from a local shop, helping Cas put on an array of rainbow accessories. He turned around and smiled at his older brother, pointing to the angel, "How does he look?"

Dean chuckled, taking in Cas in his usual trench coat with the addition of a rainbow tie and a flag tattoo on his cheek, "Ya look great Cas, Sam did a great job."

Cas beamed before pointing to the bag Sam had, "He got a few things for you as well!"

Dean paled for a moment and Sam noticed, giving his input, "I know you're nervous because of Dad and the past Dean, but I am so proud of you, and I just want you to have this chance to be happy. Cas and I will be there with you, and no one will be judging us."

Dean nodded and took the bag from his younger brother, peering inside before he broke out in laughter, "Sam did you-- did you really get me a bi flag and a pride themed cowboy hat?"

Sam smirked, "I knew it was more your style."

The elder Winchester glared at his brother and put on the hat before turning to Cas, "Are you ready to go?"

The angel nodded and the three headed out the door to the Impala.


Once they got into town, Dean could hear the sound of music and cheering in the distance. After dropping Cas and Dean off by the edge of the no traffic zone, Sam took the Impala to find parking, leaving the angel and hunter to find their way on their own. Dean looked at Cas, blushing slightly as they made their way to the parade.

It would be even harder to hide his feelings now, since he knew Cas could feel the same way, but why would he? He watched the trench coat-wearing man walking, his face filled with awe as he began to see the floats and bands and flags flying in the distance. He turned to Dean with a smile and grabbed his hand, practically dragging him to the action. Dean gripped Cas' hand back, jogging to keep up with the energy of the other, his face flushing at the sudden physical contact.

Once they approached the edge of the parade barriers, Cas stopped, watching as people passed, waving flags, dancing, playing music, riding on floats. He kept pointing to things, his face lighting up in wonder and joy. Dean felt himself relax, there were people all around him proud of who they were. Men holding hands with men, women kissing women, trans people celebrating themselves, parents supporting their kids. Maybe it wasn't as scary as he thought.

Soon Sam joined them, hands in his pockets and a small pan flag pin on his jacket. He and Dean shared an understanding smile as Sam noticed that Cas' hand was still linked with Dean's. He raised his eyebrow and opened his mouth before Dean cut him off, turning red, "Shut up, Sam."

Sam simply shook his head. Maybe someday the two would finally talk out their feelings.

I decided to lean into the pan Sam headcanon, it felt appropriate for pride month.   I wanted to get this out before I go out of internet/cell range for a few days, so here you are!  I hope you are well, and once again, happy pride! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2021 ⏰

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