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This is the first of my Holiday oneshots, it's a short one, just some fluff :) 
I have several planned, but we'll have to see if I manage to keep up with all of them lol

Author's note that I live in the middle of the desert and have only seen snow in the mountains and the one or two times there's actually miraculously been a dusting of snow here so I apologize in advance for anything I say that just doesn't make sense

Cas had been back with the boys for a while, and life was good for the Winchesters.  Sam had begun seeing Eileen again, and Dean was finally living his truth with Cas.  They still picked up the occasional case, but they were taking some time to enjoy life now that they were finally free of Chuck.  The months passed by, and soon it was winter.

The boys had just finished a case, nothing too big, a quick salt and burn did the trick.  When they finished talking to the family of the victim, they walked outside to find the world around them transformed.  The ground was covered in a growing layer of snow, and the flakes drifted through the sky.  The group decided to walk through the snow for a bit, and just take the time to enjoy the season.

As they wandered through the local park, Dean intertwines his fingers with Cas', holding the angel's hand and swinging their hands back and forth between them.  Sam smiled at the couple before smirking to himself, suddenly having a great idea.

Dean and Cas kept walking, snow crunching under their feet, and Cas looked at Dean.  "The snow really is beautiful, isn't it?"

Dean was about to respond when he was suddenly hit by a snowball.  "Son of a bitch!"

He turned to glare at his little brother as Sam laughs to himself.  Cas squinted at the brothers, not quite sure what's happening.  That's when Sam pulls out another snowball and throws it at Cas.  The snow hits the angel and Dean laughs at the look on Castiel's face, a mix of shock and confusion.

"C'mon Cas it's a snowball fight!" Dean exclaimed, "We gotta team up to get Sam!"

Sam's eyes widened when he realized what was about to happen.  It was going to be all out war.  He took off to hide behind a tree and make more snowballs as ammo.  Meanwhile Dean pulled Cas by the hand behind a bench and showed him how to make snowballs.  Once Cas understood the idea of the game, Sam didn't stand a chance.

Dean started pelting Sam with snowballs, finding it no challenge to aim around the tree he attempted to hide behind.  As Sam fought to cover his eyes, he started throwing his own ammo that the other two and laughed as he hit Dean in the face.  Dean looked up from where he had been whispering a plan to his boyfriend.  He nodded at Cas before fighting Sam one on one, like when they were kids.

They both make their fair share of hits, and at first Sam doesn't realize Cas has disappeared.  That is, until Dean smirks and glances behind him.  Sam turns around just in time to see Cas jump at him with a huge snowball between his hands.  The snowball breaks over Sam's head and the three fall to the ground laughing.  

Dean crawls over to Cas and kisses him briefly, "Good one Cas," he smiles at his boyfriend as they sit in the snow.  For once, everything feels light.

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