Like the Musical, Remember?

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Hey guys, sorry it's been like, a year since I updated lmao.  I was thinking of starting updates again when Carry on my Wayward Son started playing on the radio, so I decided it must be a sign.  Updates will be slow since school is starting up and I have a lot of of other stuff going on, but I'm going to try and fit some writing in and get up a few more chapters at least.  If you guys have any requests feel free to leave a comment! Anywho, on with the ships!

Sam looked surprised to find Dean sitting alone in the bunker, beer by his side.  

"Dean, are you okay?" Sam asked, "I thought you were going out tonight and taking a break after the last hunt."  The last hunt had been stressful for everyone, after a Djinn had stolen several people the boys had to tell the families of those who didn't survive what had happened, without giving too much away.  Sam knew it hurt Dean, especially the families with young children.

"I'm fine Sammy," Dean replied, forcing a smile.  Not that it convinced anyone.

"Dean," Sam said, rolling his eyes, "I know something's up, you know you can tell me anything."

Dean reddened, clearing his throat.  He opened and closed his mouth a few times, clearly struggling with what to say.  He sighed, taking a swig of his drink.

"Sam, for a long time I've been... struggling with a part of myself, being afraid of it and what you would think, and Dad when he was still alive.  I- erm, well I like girls...and guys.  I've tried so hard to ignore it.  I thought I could just be with girls and never have to deal with it, but I can't.  It's been especially hard recently with some of our cases, and some of the people we've been with, and I can't ignore the fact that I'm-" Dean's voice broke, "that I'm bisexual."

A soft smile broke over Sam's face.  He crossed the room, and wrapped his brother in a hug as a tear threatened to slip down Dean's face.

"You don't have to be afraid Dean," he says, "You're my brother, we're family, and nothing could ever stop that,  nothing could ever come between us.  I would never hate you, whether you were gay, straight, or anything in between."

Dean sighed, clearly relieved, "Oh, and Sammy?  There's something else too," Dean started, looking nervous again, "Do you remember when we saw those girls who were making a musical out of our lives?"

"Of course Dean, why-"

"And how they had that whole D- Destiel thing?"

"Yeah?" Sam replied, as realization spread over his face, "Oh"

Dean glanced around the room, making sure no one else was listening, "It's Cas, I think I'm in love with him"

Sam (somehow) smiled even wider than before.  "That's great Dean!  You should tell him, I've always felt like there might be something going on between you guys, what with the eye sex and 'profound bond' and all."

"Eye sex?!" Dean exclaimed, looking shocked.

"You heard what I said," Sam said, smirking, "Just tell him Dean."

Dean laughed and nodded his head, "Bitch."



Dean awoke the next morning, his stomach a ball of nerves.  Rolling out of bed, he rubbed his eyes and threw on some clothes, which of course consisted mainly of denim and flannel. Heading to the kitchen, he rubbed his hands together, repeatedly smoothing his hair down.  In the kitchen he sat down, grabbing a newspaper, hoping for a distraction, a case, anything.

But that was when Cas walked in.  Dean tried not to watch him, but couldn't help glancing over and catching his eye.  God, his eyes, Dean thought, trying not to blush as he gave Cas a quick smile in response to his 'good morning' greeting.

How could he do this? How could he tell Cas how he felt?  How could he risk everything they already had?  Thoughts flooded Dean's mind as he began to panic.  Just about ready to push it off even longer, Sam comes to the rescue.

"Hey guys, we need a few things from the store so I'm going out with Jack for a while.  Will you guys watch the Bunker?" he asked, giving Dean a pointed look.

"Of course, Sam"  Cas said as he wandered the room, "could you get some peanut and jelly while you're out?"

Sam agrees and leaves the two alone.  There's no chance in getting around it, it's now or never.  Dean gave himself an internal pep talk before clearing his throat.

"Hey, uh, Cas? Can you come sit with me for a bit? I have something I want to talk to you about," he starts, trying to hide the waver in his voice.

Cas looks puzzled but sits next to Dean, "Of course, Dean, what's going on?"

Dean lifts his green eyes to meet Castiel's brilliant blue ones.  He can do this, he's put it off for long enough, years too long. 

"We don't say it enough, me and Sam," Dean begins, "We don't always tell you how much you mean to us.  Me especially.  But Cas, you've always been there for us.  We've fought side by side, we've fought each other, and through it all you've never left.  You never gave upon me, which is more than I ever could have deserved.  I've never felt like this around anyone before, and I don't even know if you feel the same way, but Cas, I love you.  I'm in love with you."

Cas looks at Dean, teary eyed, a smile on his face, "When I yelled at you in that alleyway all those years ago, I was telling the truth.  Everything I've done, right or wrong, was for you.  I never knew what love was until I met you.  You made me human Dean."

Dean chuckles, getting teary himself, "So it's a yes then? You feel the same?"

"Of course I do," Cas replies, leaning in to capture Dean's lips with his.  Dean meets him halfway, and its like fireworks going off.  The kiss is gentle, but so powerful, years of love packed into one moment, and nothing has ever felt this perfect to Dean.  Maybe life really could be like a  musical, right?

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