New Year's Kiss

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This is just a quick one, but here's to 2021! May it be better than 2020

Random canonverse where Destiel isn't yet canon, not sure what to call it

Sam wandered into the kitchen of the bunker to see Cas staring at the calendar hung on the wall.  The angel turned to look at Sam, head quirked to the side.

"Sam, what is it you humans do for New Year's Eve?  The calendar says it's today but we've never celebrated in the past."

"Oh, well I'm sure Dean probably went out to a bar in the past, so that's probably why," Sam began, "For New Year's Eve people usually spend time with friends at some kind of party and count down until midnight since it's the first minute of the New Year.  Traditionally, you should get a kiss at midnight."

"Why would you kiss someone at midnight?" Cas asked, clearly confused by the concept.

"Probably for luck or something," Sam replied, "We can celebrate tonight if you want, I could invite Eileen and a few other hunters."

And so it was decided that the bunker would have it's very first New Year's celebration.  Sam went out briefly to buy some food and drinks for the party, after telling Dean to cancel whatever plans he might have for the night.  When Dean asked why Sam explained that Cas wanted to celebrate this year.  Dean shrugged it off, figuring it seemed like something Cas would want to do.

Later that day Eileen came over to be Sam's New Year's date, and some of the Winchester's assorted friends showed up, including Garth and his wife, Bobby, Jack (who had been out of the bunker earlier that day), and Jody with the girls.  Sam had set out assorted chips and drinks, both alcoholic and not.  Dean had ordered in pizza and wings for everyone.  

Everyone was having fun and laughing, generally enjoying each other's company.  They played board games that Garth brought, and counted down the seconds until midnight.  All in all it was a good way to spend the night, and was the most fun the Winchesters had in a long time.  When midnight finally rolled around, Dean watched as Sam kissed Eileen, and Garth his wife.  He couldn't help but wish he had someone like that, that was when he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Sam said this was the New Year's tradition," Cas said, before leaning in and kissing the hunter, pulling away far too quickly.  Dean stood a moment in shock before pulling the angel in for another, much more passionate kiss.  Oh yeah, this was gonna be a good year. 

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