It's Not Heaven Without You

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Dawn was just breaking as Cas approached the small park.  The sun’s rays were beginning to appear on the horizon, bathing everything in a golden glow.  Cas approached the play set, and a figure could be seen guarding the sandbox. The angel stiffened when he saw Castiel.  The tension only rose when he drew a blade, Cas doing nothing to stop him. “Why are you here Castiel?” The angel asked, “You know that Heaven doesn’t want you, since all you do is ruin everything.”

    “Please just let me in,” Cas replied, his voice hoarse, as if he had been crying, “I need to see him, say goodbye, just one last time, then I promise to leave you, and Heaven alone.”

    The angel paused for a moment, pondering the offer.  He muttered under his breath what sounded like it was along the lines of, what harm could it do? before moving to the side.  Cas nodded a silent thank you to him before stepping up to the sandbox, which had begun to emit a white glow from a symbol drawn in it.  Walking into the light he felt a breeze lift his trenchcoat as a warmth encompassed his body.

    Suddenly he was in the maze of Heaven’s white hallways, right where he needed to be.  The door next to him had a name on it. Dean Winchester. The lump returned to Cas’ throat as he felt the familiar pang of guilt and helplessness filling his body with sorrow.  He should have done more, fought harder. Hand over the door handle, he hesitated, engagement ring still on his finger, the blue and green gems twinkling in the harsh light as he worked up the courage to open the door.

    Turning the handle and pushing against the door, Castiel entered what appeared to be a peaceful forest.  There were trees everywhere, and the only sounds he could hear were the chirping of birds and rustling of the wind in the pine trees.  Everything smelled fresh and clean as Cas walked the short path to a clearing. He saw the Impala, shining, undented in front of a cabin.  There were no monsters, no demons. Baby was in one piece, and Cas had found Dean, the man he loved.

    But I haven’t, have I? He thought to himself, knowing very well that Dean couldn’t see him, and that he could only watch from afar.  Every word he said would go unheard, but even so, Cas needed to say one final goodbye. Cas took a deep breath, before approaching the cabin, taking in the wooden stairs and grill sitting on the small patio.  He pushed open the screen door, closing it behind him, glancing around the cabin, taking in Dean’s personal heaven.

    It was a cozy little cabin, with a small kitchen for cooking, and a fridge that Cas guessed was probably full of beer and pie.  The living room had a TV and plenty of DVDs full of different movies and TV shows he knew Dean loved. Pictures hung around the room, and Cas looked at each of them.  Some of Sam and Dean as kids, with John, with Mary when Sam was a baby. There were pictures he remembered taking too. Him and Dean at the fair, Cas with a goofy smile as Dean kissed his cheek.  The day Dean proposed, taken by Sam as Cas cried tears of joy. There were more of them too, the three of them together, sitting on the Impala. With Bobby during the apocalypse. All of these memories of Dean that almost brought Cas to tears.

    That’s when he saw him.  Dean, asleep on the sofa, looking so peaceful.  Last time Castiel had seen him it had been when he was dying, bloodied in Cas’ arms, whispering one last ‘I love you’ as Cas tried desperately to stop the bleeding.  He stood there, just watching Dean, wishing he could stay there forever. But of course he couldn’t, he thought as Dean began to move around the room. Clearing his throat, he began to speak, “Dean, I’m no good with words, and even though I know you can’t hear me, I’m here to say them anyway.”

    Dean looked up, almost as if he could hear something.  Cas closed his eyes, his voice breaking, “I never got to say a proper goodbye, and Sam didn’t either, and we- we need you Dean.  More than you know. Sam is always out hunting, desperate for an escape. I just feel trapped, and guilty. I should have been able to save you, but I couldn’t, and now, now-”

He was cut off by a pair of lips crashing against his.  Cas’ eyes flew open to see Dean. He could smell the apple pie scent he missed so much, and he saw those beautiful eyes open as he pulled away in shock. “Dean?”

“Yeah Cas,” Dean said, “Cas, love, it’s me, I’m here.  It wasn’t your fault. I knew you would come for me, no matter what.”  

“How?” Cas asked, still shocked that Dean could see him.  Still shocked to be talking to the man he loved more than life itself.

“Because,” Dean said, leaning in, “It just wasn’t Heaven without you.”  

He captured Cas’ lips in his again, and they stood there, just kissing and holding each other.  There was nothing stopping them now. Dean Winchester had his angel back.

Hey guys, here's my first attempt at a one-shot type of book, I am really busy so updates will be slow, but I am hoping to try and update at least once every couple weeks or so.  If you have any feedback or suggestions for chapters, let me know, and if there are any other ships you'd like me to try as long as I am comfortable writing about them (I won't do anything incest or weird like that and no smut)

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