Christmas Day

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This was having trouble saving when I tried to write it the first time, so it might feel a bit rushed since it's *looks at invisible watch* 20 minutes before Christmas day for me at the time of writing, so I'll definitely be publishing this Christmas morning for me (whatever time for you guys).  Hope you enjoy me trying to write about a holiday I don't celebrate based off of my limited experiences and what I see in books and movies lol.  Merry Christmas!! :)

Same alternate canon-verse thing as the last one-shot- 15x18 and 15x19 apply, Cas is back and everyone is alive 

Dean woke up to Cas jumping on top of him.  "Dean, it's Christmas, come downstairs!"

Dean sat up groggily as his boyfriend brought him clothes.  Cas still got super excited about normal life, even after a few years of them being together.  Once Jack returned Cas, the Winchesters had decided to relax a little, take a case here and there but take time to make the most of life.  They didn't have the option before, and it seemed earned.  Three years later, they were still living in the bunker, Dean with Cas, and Sam with Eileen.  Holidays had never really been a big thing in the Winchester "household", so they were making new memories now, along with their respective significant others.

Cas ended up loving the holidays, and was always excited to decorate, bake, and buy gifts for the people he cared about most.  He thought it was a beautiful tradition, and a great way to remind everyone he cared.  

Once Dean made his way down to the library he was met by the rest of their makeshift family sitting on various couches around the Christmas tree.  Sam was next to Eileen, who had a hand on her growing belly.  Bobby sat on an armchair nearby, and Charlie was on the same couch as Cas, who had saved room for Dean.  It had become tradition for the group to invite Bobby and Charlie, and any hunters available for holidays.  

Dean sat down next to Cas, cup of coffee in hand, "Merry Christmas, everyone,"

"Merry Christmas, Jerk," Sam replied, wrapping one arm around Eileen.

"Bitch," Dean shot back before turning to Cas, "Ready to start opening presents, Bee?"

Cas nodded and everyone got to their gift exchanging.  The Winchesters liked to take their time in the gift opening, so everyone could know who got who what. (definitely not because it makes it easier to write and gives me more to talk about before the planned ending oop)

Charlie started off by handing out her gifts; a box set of Lord of the Rings for Sam, some nerdy baby onesies for Eileen, a Star Wars shirt for Dean, bumblebee mug for Cas, and a nice bottle of liquor for Bobby.  She and Sam talk briefly about Lord of the Rings, being the nerds that they are, before Cas announced, "Alright everybody, my turn!"

Cas preferred to make gifts for everybody.  He thought it was fun to learn different skills, and had the time to, even if he was beginning to understand the pleasantness of sleep.  Like many things, Jack had given him the option to be more human or angel depending on what he wanted in the moment.  Cas handed out his gifts to everyone and they began opening them.

"Cas, this is...incredible!" Sam said as he and Eileen opened their gift.  Cas had learned to crochet recently and had made them a quilt with several shades of blues and purples.  Cas smiled, glad they liked it as Eileen signed him a thank you.  Bobby seemed pleasantly surprised to receive several jars of honey, all in different flavors.

"I harvested it myself," Cas said looking proud, meanwhile Charlie screeched in response to the hand painted DnD dice she received.  

Finally, Dean got to his box.  He opened it and saw a tape inside, similar to the Zepplin one he had given Cas all those years ago.  But this one was labelled "Our Songs" and Dean knew that he had to listen to it as soon as he could.  He smiled at his boyfriend, "Cas, I love it!"

The group continued exchanging gifts, and finally the group got around to Dean.  He began to feel a bit nervous, but gave everyone their gifts, making sure Cas' came last.  Bobby chuckled at the "Salt and Burn" sign Dean had given him.

"I'll hang it in my panic room," he said, "Thank you, boy." (the period makes it seem aggressive for some reason but I promise I have Bobby call Dean in only the most fatherly way)

Sam and Eileen thanked Dean for the baby supplies, and Charlie gave him a big hug for the tickets to a movie premier they both wanted to see.  Dean took a deep breath, getting ready to give Cas his present.  Sam gave him a reassuring look, the only one who knew what was about to happen.

Cas opened the gift Dean handed him, which felt surprisingly light.  Inside was a piece of paper.  Picking up the paper he flipped it over and read the two simple words on it.  Look up.  

Cas did and was met with Dean on one knee, a box with a ring in his hands.  Cas' hands shot to his mouth as tears began to well up in his eyes.

"Cas, Castiel, I know these past 15 years haven't always been easy for us.  Heck, I couldn't even bring myself to tell you how I felt for 12 of them.  It took you telling me and then dying to shake me awake and get me moving.  But these past three years, and all those I spent pining for you, have been some of the best years of my life.

"Even if I wasn't always in control, even if my life wasn't my own, you were there for me.  You did more than save me from hell.  You saved me from so many challenges, from losing myself, from hiding from who I was.  You thought you were the only one changed, and the one who learned how to love because of us.  I learned how to truly love for the first time because of you, and I never want to let that go.  I never want to stop being with you, and never want to stop loving you.  Cas, will you marry me?"

Cas nodded vigorously as he cried, "Yes," he managed as Dean pulled him for a kiss.  Once Dean finally got the ring onto Cas' finger he looked at it and broke into a huge grin, "Yes! Of course I'll marry you, Dean!"

Dean chuckled, unable to wipe the smile off his face, "Good, it would've been an awkward Christmas if you said no,"

Sam cheered for his brother, having signed what Dean said to Eileen, who clapped with a smile on her face.  Charlie was crying along with Cas, congratulating the couple repeatedly while Bobby looked as proud as any father-figure ever could.  It was official, Christmas was the new favorite holiday in the bunker, and soon it would be time for a wedding.

POV: me, laying in bed writing this whole thing at midnight, making myself smile as I write it

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this one, and I hope you have a Merry Christmas, or a happy holiday, whatever you celebrate!  (Hopefully this was sort of like Christmas, with Hanukkah my family does one gift a night so I've never done the whole "opening a bunch of presents" other than my birthday lol)

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