SPOILERS 15x18 "Despair"

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I just need to take a minute to talk about this episode and all of the feelings I have, if you haven't seen the episode yet, please don't spoil it, it's such a powerful episode that needs to be seen for yourself.

Everyone who hasn't seen it gone? Okay

I was so moved by Misha's performance, just...I can't even ahhhhhh. Cas' confession was so powerful.  It was open, honest, and somehow both heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time.  I cried so much (and yet keep rewatching the scene since I hate myself apparently). I loved that scene so much since it was everything I'd always wanted to hear him say to Dean.  I don't appreciate him having to die right after though, that wasn't very cash money of them.  I would understand them doing it since it fits Cas' character if it hadn't been right after the confession, because that does make it sort of like queerbaiting.  But while I recognize that issue and it does upset me, I still loved the way that all played out so much.  This show has helped me get through some really tough times and this isn't going to turn me away from it.  I have a feeling that this speech will resound with me for a long time as one of the best emotional scenes in the series.

To the people saying Dean/Jensen was homophobic:  He was in shock.  He was tearing up.  He tries to tell Cas not to do it.  Hell, he even sobs afterwards.  Dean is the most emotionally constipated character I know, of course he wouldn't immediately react.  Please don't attack Jensen, he didn't do anything wrong.

I hope that they give Dean a chance to make it requited by the end of the series, I will be so sad if it's only one-sided confirmed since people will still dispute it (I can think of a lot of ways to do this and I think any would be great, we all know Dean is bi icon, I have never seen a more closet bisexual man lmao)

All that said, my poor gay heart needs some fluff (and more emotions) so I am planning to publish a few chapters inspired by 15x18 and how Destiel could continue from here (hey remember how I said I came up with some ways for Dean to reciprocate and show he feels the same? lol)  I will mark all of them with spoilers for the people who haven't seen it yet, don't worry (although I guess saying that doesn't help anyone who already read this rant despite my warnings)

I'll see you guys soon with some new one-shots :)

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