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Cas bounced up and down excitedly on the balls of his feet as he and Dean waited in line.  Cas had convinced Dean to take him on a date to an aquarium, so after some planning, they had hopped into the Impala for a road trip.   At first Dean had been hesitant, but Cas had just given him puppy dog eyes.  But Dean, I've never seen the sea creatures before!

As the line began to wind towards the entrance, Dean slipped his hand into Cas', smiling at his boyfriend of two years.  He bought them two tickets at the front of the line, and thanked the cashier as he was dragged into the aquarium by Cas.  A huge tank of water stood in the main room, and doorways with labels like "Deep Ocean" and "Polar Plunge" headed off in several directions.  People milled around, couples of all types, school groups, families with their children. 

Cas stared at the big tank in awe.  Inside were fish in a rainbow of colors.  Blue surgeonfish,  yellow tang, green sea turtles.  Dean couldn't help but feel amazed by what he saw.  How incredible it was that there was all this life and beauty on Earth that he had missed.

"This is wonderful, Dean," Cas said, squeezing Dean's hand.

"Anything for you, Angel," Dean replied, moving towards a map of the aquarium, "Where do you want to start?"

(Time jump brought to you by Queen, since their music just started playing lol)

The couple moved between exhibits, Cas always asking about the creatures that lived inside.  How can a jellyfish live with no brain or heart? How many teeth does a shark have?  How do the starfish grow their arms back?  Eventually a docent saw how curious Cas was, and offered to show them around and answer any questions they had.  Dean smiled gratefully- he was way out of his league here.

"This is the octopus, she has three hearts and nine brains!  Her body can squeeze into incredibly small spaces, and she can change the color of her skin depending on how she feels, and if she needs to hide.  She will squirt ink in defense, if her venomous beak and strong tentacles don't do the job," the docent told Cas, who was glued to the side of the tank in wonder.

While Cas was distracted, Dean pulled the woman to the side, glancing at her name tag.  "Emma, thank you so much for doing this, he's very curious and I don't know much," he admitted, "I wanted to ask, is there anywhere quiet you could take us later, I uh-  I wanna pop the question for him later, it was just our anniversary, and I think it's time."

"Of course!" the docent, Emma, smiled, "I'll continue showing you around until closing time, and then I know just the place."

(Time skip brought to you by Mayday Parade this time I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)

Dean placed his hand over the small box in his pocket as they walked down a corridor into a room with no one else inside.  He was beginning to feel nervous, and hoped that Cas didn't notice before they got there.  Soon however, they were in an empty exhibit, a room with a tank covering one wall, the lights completely off.  The only light came from the tank, full of moon jellys and other bioluminescent animals.  It was peaceful, beautiful.

Dean pulled Cas towards the tank, holding both of Cas' hands with his own. Cas looked up at the touch, and smiled at Dean.  

"Thank you for bringing me today Dean, it was really fun," Cas said.

"I had fun too," Dean replied, "but there's one more thing I want to do while we're here."

Cas looked puzzled, but when Dean released his hands and reached into his pocket, kneeling down, Cas' eyes widened in realization, tears beginning to fill them.

"Cas, you have changed my life," Dean started, "The past two years especially, but even before that, from the moment we met, and the moment when you saved me, you've changed me.  And Cas, I just love you so damn much, I've never loved anyone like this before.  I never thought soulmates were a thing, but somehow we've found each other, like two droplets of water meeting in the whole sea, and I don't ever want to be separated from you again.  Cas, will you marry me?"

Cas nodded vigorously, tears streaming down his face as he smiled, "Yes, of course Dean, do you even need to ask?"

Dean took out the ring, and put it on Cas' finger, and they looked at the silver band with engraved wings for a moment before Cas pulled Dean into a passionate kiss.  The couple held onto each other, rocking back and forth in front of the ghostly light, knowing that they had found one another.

A/N: updates are gonna be slow because of school, but I'll try to do some every once and a while :)
Also, if you want me to write their wedding at some point let me know ;)

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