He's Back

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Season 15 spoilers- you know the drill, takes place after 15x19, alternative ending to 15x20 (?)

Announcement:  I'm going to try and publish some holiday themed one-shots throughout the month, idk how many yet, but I have several ideas for just some cute, fluffy holiday cheer (some canonverse, some AUs probably)

Also! If most of the fandom has been saying "Oh my Chuck" in place of "Oh my God", can we start saying "Oh my Jack"? Cause I kind of wanna start doing that...

Okay, the one-shot begins now lol...

Dean sat at the table in the bunker, empty beer bottles next to him, running his finger over the carving of Castiel's name.  A few tears streaks were left on his face, though he quickly wiped them away when Sam walked into the room, carrying his laptop.  That didn't prevent the younger Winchester from noticing his brother's mood, of course.

"Do you wanna tell me what's up with you?  You've been off since Cas died, which makes sense, I'm sad too, but it feels different this time," Sam questioned.

Dean looked up at him, and seemed to hesitate as though deciding whether or not to just bury his feelings again, "It's not just that I miss him this time.  This time I have to live knowing just how much I lost."

Sam looked confused, "What is that supposed to mean?"

Dean turned to look at his brother, his hand still over Cas' carved name.  There are tears in his eyes as he begins to recount the angel's last words to him.  "In order for the Empty to come and take him, Cas had to experience a moment of true happiness.  And in doing so, Cas told me everything he ever hid from me and opened up in a way he never had before.  He told me that I made him human, made him care and taught him how  to love.  He told me that I see myself differently than everyone else, and told me that I am deserving of love because I am a selfless, caring human being.  He told me he was in love with me, and that love summoned the Empty.  That love saved me."

Sam took a moment to absorb all this before he came to a realization, "You loved him back, didn't you, Dean?"

Dean nodded, "I did for a long time but I was afraid to come out, after what dad did to me when he caught me with a guy as a teen, I tried so hard to hide from that side of myself.  But now it's too late, and he died not knowing if I loved him back."

A look of sadness passed over Sam's features, "Dean, you know we would have supported you no matter what.  The gender of the person you love would never be an issue with me, you're my brother."

"I know, Sammy," Dean replied, "I was just afraid."


Several weeks had passed for the brothers, and they were spent in a state of mourning.  Dean's only comfort was his new dog, Miracle.  Unbeknownst to him, Cas was alive and well, helping Jack make Heaven a better place, rebuild it as it should be.  They were finishing up the job when Cas asked to make one more request of Jack before he became hands off.  He asked to be returned to Earth to live with the Winchesters.  Jack agreed, and when their work in Heaven was done, Jack teleported them to the bunker.


Sam was in the Library, reading up on Greek mythology when he heard the familiar woosh of wings and the sounds of two sets of foot steps in the next room.  He got up, gun in hand, and looked around the corner to have his eyes met with the sight of Jack and Cas.  He ran in, hugging both of them.

"Cas- but how?"

"Jack brought me back to help fix Heaven," Cas said, "But when my job was finished I asked to come back here to live with you again, if that's alright."

"Of course it's okay!" Sam exclaimed, "Let me go get Dean, he'll be relieved to see you back."

As Sam went to find his older brother, Jack turned to look at the man who served as his father, "Are you ready?  I know it took a lot out of you, finally telling him how you felt."

"Yeah, I'm ready," Cas smiled, something that was becoming easier to do these days.  

"Good," Jack replied, "I'd better go since I'm trying to be hands off, but let Sam and Dean know I'll stop for a beer every once in a while."

Cas promised he would, and Jack snapped his fingers, disappearing from sight.  Cas turned towards the door he hoped Dean would soon walk through.


Dean was sitting at his desk, Miracle's head on his knee, and he pet the dog as he searched for a case, anything to help him forget about Cas for a while.  He thought he had a promising lead on a vampire nest stealing kids, but Sam suddenly burst into his room, a huge smile on his face.  

"Sam, I think I found us a case-"

"Whatever it is, you can forget about it.  Cas...he's back,"

Dean stands up quickly, his chair shooting back and Miracle jumping up, tail wagging.  He rushes out of the room and down the hallway, Sam running to follow, not wanting to miss his brother reuniting with the love of his life.


Cas could hear rapid footsteps coming down the hallway, and he felt a pang of nervousness in his chest.  Or was it excitement? He couldn't tell, but just stood in anticipation.  Soon Dean rounded the corner, and Cas opened his mouth to greet him, but Dean didn't stop there.  Cas gasped as Dean walked straight to him, closing the distance between their lips in a passionate kiss.

Cas closed his eyes and entwined his fingers in Dean's hair, titling his head to deepen the kiss.  There is so much love in that embrace, so many years of feelings.  When the two separate they are gasping for air, and both have huge smiles on their faces.

"You didn't give me a chance to say it last time, so I'm saying it now," Dean started, "I love you too.  I was so scared I was never gonna see you again, and I could barely tolerate being in a world without you in it.  I've wasted so many years hiding this from you, and-"

"I'm here now," Cas responded, "We can make up for lost time."

Dean laughs and kisses the angel again as Sam leans against the doorframe, one hand on Miracle's head, glad to see that Dean had finally found his happiness.

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