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Hey guys, it's been a hot minute since I last updated. I have been contemplating writing a wedding oneshot for a while, since I wrote a proposal a while back but never followed up. So when I heard about the DeanCasWedding going down on the internet, I figured what better time than the present. Happy (very) belated wedding day boys, you deserve it after all you went through :) (we also deserve it after all we went through lol, let's face it, while there were parts of 15x20 I enjoyed like the pie and carry on my wayward son, there were other parts I would have changed *cough* dean dying on a nail, ignoring cas' return, and The Wig of my Nightmares *cough*)

Dean wiped his hands on his pants for about the tenth time in the past five minutes.

"Dude, you're gonna be fine," Sam said as he helped fasten Dean's bowtie, making sure it was straight.

Dean sighed, "I know, I'm just excited, nervous...scared even, this is such a big step and I really do want to take it, I just never thought I'd get the chance to."

Sam smiled at his older brother, remembering his own wedding to Eileen a few years prior, "It's all gonna be worth it Dean, just you see. Plus, it's not like it will be all that different. We'll still have the bunker, be living with the five of us. You, me, Cas, Eileen, and the baby."

Sam's son was a few months old now, and they were happy raising him in the Bunker with his two uncles. The couple had named him Jack, after the boy who saved their lives by meeting his destiny.

Dean nodded, standing up to head to the altar where he would await Cas. It was an outdoor wedding, just a small garden with a wooden arch above their head, vines entwining it. He looked at the rows of seats, and all his family and friends gathered there. Eileen sat with baby Jack, the actual Jack sitting next to them, radiating power. Charlie and her girlfriend were there (Charlie at the altar as maid of honor), as were Garth and his wife, Jody, Donna, and the girls, even Rowena had shown up from ruling Hell, along with Crowley. Bobby was next to Dean, officiating the wedding, and Sam stood by his side as best man.

Dean blinked back the tears threatening to fall, he couldn't believe this was actually happening. That he was marrying not only the love of his life, but Cas. An angel who had fallen for him, and raised him up through so much. The rows of seats fell silent as Cas appeared, Gabriel by his side. Dean's eyes widened when he saw his fiancé, who was wearing a deep blue suit with a forest green bowtie. Dean himself was wearing a black suit with a bowtie to match Cas' eyes.

Cas nodded to his brother at the end of the aisle, and Gabriel gave him a pat on the back before making his way to his seat. Cas approached the altar, taking Dean's hands as Bobby began reading for the ceremony.

"Thank you all for being here today," Bobby started, "Today is a day we've all been waiting for for a long time," the guest laughed in agreement, "But I am honored to be here today to unite Dean Winchester and Castiel in marriage."

Time seemed to fly as Bobby made it through his introductions, and soon it was time for the vows to be read. Cas read first, beaming at Dean as he did.

"Dean Winchester, you never cease to surprise me every day we're together. From the moment I saw your soul, and the moment I saved it, I knew you were something special. What I didn't know was how much your soul would change my own. You taught me how to feel, how to love in everything I do because you do the same. I fell from Heaven for you, fought monsters, other angels, even God himself for you, and I don't regret it for a moment. Even when I thought this was the one thing I couldn't have, even when I thought you could never love me back, I still loved you because it kept me going. You gave me power and hope, and always eventually came to understand my mistakes and move past them. I know I've messed up a lot in the past, but I also know that this, our love, is not one of those mistakes. I love you more than anything in this world Dean, and I promise to stick by your side through thick and thin, sickness and health, in everyday life, and in the hunt. I will always be here for you."

Dean felt a few tears slip down his face as Cas read his vows. He smiled at the man soon to be his husband, and took a deep breath before starting his own vows. He hated talking about his feelings, but he wasn't about to pass up the chance to tell Cas exactly how he felt.

"I know I haven't always treated you the best throughout the years," Dean began, "I always judged you too harshly, needing somewhere to place the blame. Heck, I even stabbed you the first time we met. But now I need you to know that I feel only remorse for what I did. I was so scared of these feelings, and of how strong they were, that I thought I had to hide them however I could. Running away from these feelings wasn't the solution though, I saw that when you sacrificed yourself for me. To know that you loved me back, only to have that taken away was devastating. I thought I would never get to see you again. How could I deserve the love of someone who thought I could never love him back? How could I move on from that loss? Luckily, I didn't have to. I didn't have to because our son gave you back to us, to me, and I was able to make up for all that lost time. I don't have to be afraid of falling in love anymore, I don't have to be afraid to speak my mind. Now, I can say that I love you, shout it from the rooftops, and I will do so for the rest of our lives. You taught me that I deserve to be loved, and I want to give that love back to you every single day, Cas."

There wasn't a dry eye in the room after Dean gave his vows. Bobby cleared his throat, trying not to sound teary as he continued the ceremony. He announced that it was time to exchange the rings, and Jack rose from where he sat, approaching the altar. He opened his hand, and in it were two silver bands, glowing slightly with the grace Jack had imbued them with. He handed one ring to each of the grooms for them to exchange.

Dean's hands shook as he placed the ring on Cas's finger, seeing the band there just felt...right. He held up his own hand for Cas to take, and felt tears slip down his face as a giddy laugh escaped his lips.

Bobby smiled at the two, "I now pronounce you man and husband, you may kiss the groom!"

Dean pulled Cas towards him by the waist and leaned his head down that little bit to meet his lips. Cheers erupted from the crowd as they kissed, and rose petals rained down upon them, provided by the teary eyed Rowena. Dean leaned his forehead against Cas' after they separated.

"So, how does it feel to be Castiel Winchester?"

Sorry it took so long to get this out (yes I've been writing it since Valentine's Day and it is now February 25th). I've been really busy recently with a research project and upcoming competition, and my mental health has been wack. I'm starting college later this year, decisions are coming soon, and the reality of almost being an adult and having to face the big, uncertain future is hitting me hard. I appreciate the patience, and I hope you enjoyed this one-shot :)  I hope everyone is having a great week!

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