White Noise (2/24/22)

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It's ringing in my ears
Your voice calling out to me
Feels like I'm on a rollercoaster
One that makes it hard to breathe

No feelings equates to indifference
I know that's how you feel towards me
Why did I let you have fun?
Why did I let you lie to me?

I'm stroking old scars
Being driven in cars
My hands and lips tremble
It's so cold inside

You're whispering in my ears
Strong hands to grab my waist
You're making sure I face you
And say it's warm inside

Gathered into your lap
I'd never felt smaller
You forced everyone to leave
Yet, I had to stay longer

You're marking my skin
You're marking my heart
You're marking my head
I was yours from the start

Don't take advantage
You dealt so much damage
Don't say it should've happened
I was naive and panicked

Don't harass me anymore
I hate I'm so clingy
I'm trying so hard to leave you
But I don't want you to leave me

Am I doing this to myself?
Letting you back into my life
Was a solemn mistake
I should have never tried

Caressing my skin as though
It's the softest thing you've touched
Panting on my neck as though
You're fully driven by lust

Flashing girls and rings in my face
Letting me see in from a window
Sneaking me into your house
Cause you don't want anyone to know

Touching me again
Breath warming my skin
Blood flowing from within
Ever since you began

Ever since you began

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