Chapter 27

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I woke up in a cold sweat with tears pouring down my face. I was dreaming of the accident. I hadn't had that dream in over a month so I wasn't at all prepared for it. Last night I had slept in my room since I couldn't get comfortable and I didn't want to keep Mason up.

I needed him right now though. My body was shaking so bad that I couldn't get myself to walk. I grabbed my phone and called Masons number. It took a few rings before he answered.

"Avery? Why are you calling me at 4? Where are you?" He had his deep sleeping voice when he talked. I felt awful for waking him but I needed to be able to calm down before I stressed to much on the baby.

"M-my r-roo-om." I stuttered. The line went dead and a second later my door was busting open. He didn't waste a second before he crawled into the bed beside of me and wrapped me in his arms. He pulled me into his lap and stroked my hair.

"You're okay baby. Shh..." He whispered into my ear. His presence calmed me and I felt myself drift back to sleep in his arms. That was all I needed, his reassurance and his touch. It calmed me down quicker then the medicine would.

Masons POV

When Avery called me early this morning, my heart dropped. I thought she had left and something had happened. I hated when she slept in the other room. I liked her beside of me so that I could make sure she was alright.

My heart did a flip when she said she was in her room. I listened better and I could hear her sobs. I ran to her room and busted through her door before gathering her in my arms. It must have been her night terrors.

She went to sleep a few minutes later, still in my arms. I adjusted us so that I could lay down beside her so I could get some sleep. My family would be coming over at 10 for our Christmas. Avery was suppose to cook but since she had a ruff night I figured it would help her out if I had my mom come over and help me cook. I called my mom to see if she was busy.

"What's up Mase?" She asks me.

"Would you want to come over and help me cook Christmas dinner? I would do it by myself but you and I both know how it would turn out." I ask her.

"We will be over in 30." She says and hangs up. I check on Layla and make sure she's still asleep before jumping in the shower. I change into some buckle jeans, a red flannel shirt, and an ariat vest. It looked christmasy enough.

I heard the doorbell ring as I was running my fingers through my hair

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I heard the doorbell ring as I was running my fingers through my hair. I walked out an opened the door. My parents were standing there. "Hey, come in but be quiet." I tell them and let them in. My mom walks to the kitchen while I take one of the garbage bags of presents from my dad.

Once we set them by the tree, we go back to the kitchen. "I love your decorations." My mom comments as she starts pulling out food to cook.

"Thanks. It was all Avery." I tell her and she laughs.

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